Meanwhile, Reznor has been busy with the Not The Actual Events, Add Violence and Bad Witch trilogy, embarking on a massive North American tour with the Jesus And Mary Chain, and pretty much just being the boundary-pushing Reznor. The idea of these two behemoths in their own right getting back together to create, well, it’s just been playing around in our minds since they’ve seemingly made up.
与此同时,雷兹诺一直忙于《Not The Actual Event》、《Violence and Bad Witch》三部曲,开始了北美大规模的Jesus And Mary Chain行程,而且基本上只是推动 Reznor 的边界。 这两个庞然大物重新在一起创造的想法,好吧,它只是一直在我们的头脑中游戏,因为他们似乎已经和好了。
So now it’s time we had a look back at their complex and grotesquely beautiful past, including the good, the bad and the ugly—and why we need more.
The beginning
In case you weren’t aware, the pair actually met way back in the ’80s when Manson was a music journalist (one of us, one of us!) and interviewed Reznor for a lifestyle magazine based in South Florida called 25th Parallel. Now, the internet has not been kind to us in finding any semblance of the article itself, but in Manson’s 1998 biography The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell, he describes the first meeting with Reznor “sulking in the corner” and “thawing” after they began chatting. The most important part of this paragraph is the final sentence: “The next time Trent Reznor came to town, I was his opening act.”
你可能不知道,这一对实际上是在八十年代认识的,当时Manson是一名音乐记者。在南佛罗里达州为一家生活方式杂志采访了 Reznor,该杂志的总部设在南佛罗里达州,名为25th Parallel。 现在,我们并没有在互联网上找到当时的文章。但是在Manson1998年出版的传记《地狱之外漫长的艰难道路》中,他描述了与Trent的第一次会面"在角落里闷闷不乐",并在他们开始聊天后"解冻"。 这一段最重要的部分是最后一句话:"下一次TrentReznor来到镇上时,我是他的暖场(乐队)。"
与此同时,雷兹诺一直忙于《Not The Actual Event》、《Violence and Bad Witch》三部曲,开始了北美大规模的Jesus And Mary Chain行程,而且基本上只是推动 Reznor 的边界。 这两个庞然大物重新在一起创造的想法,好吧,它只是一直在我们的头脑中游戏,因为他们似乎已经和好了。
So now it’s time we had a look back at their complex and grotesquely beautiful past, including the good, the bad and the ugly—and why we need more.
The beginning
In case you weren’t aware, the pair actually met way back in the ’80s when Manson was a music journalist (one of us, one of us!) and interviewed Reznor for a lifestyle magazine based in South Florida called 25th Parallel. Now, the internet has not been kind to us in finding any semblance of the article itself, but in Manson’s 1998 biography The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell, he describes the first meeting with Reznor “sulking in the corner” and “thawing” after they began chatting. The most important part of this paragraph is the final sentence: “The next time Trent Reznor came to town, I was his opening act.”
你可能不知道,这一对实际上是在八十年代认识的,当时Manson是一名音乐记者。在南佛罗里达州为一家生活方式杂志采访了 Reznor,该杂志的总部设在南佛罗里达州,名为25th Parallel。 现在,我们并没有在互联网上找到当时的文章。但是在Manson1998年出版的传记《地狱之外漫长的艰难道路》中,他描述了与Trent的第一次会面"在角落里闷闷不乐",并在他们开始聊天后"解冻"。 这一段最重要的部分是最后一句话:"下一次TrentReznor来到镇上时,我是他的暖场(乐队)。"