首先呢是一段的序言: MERICEAU, ART DIRECTUR: Thad a moment of genuine doubt as I stood atop lreland's great western clits,when it finally hit me that my job description for the next few years was totry and capture some or that overwhelming magic. It was a bit scary, thatheight. But following the lead of Cartoon Saloon's and Tomm's wonderfullyartistic vision, Ireland's timeless poetry, and a few other weighty influences, we allbull Song of the Sea one line at a time. I feel very humbled and proud to havebeen there to make it. Thank you to everyone from cartoon saloon, for the background team there, tothe background team in Luxembourg to Serge Ume and his compositing crew and avery special thank you to Ross Stewart for his precious influence. Adrian Merigeau,艺术总监: 当我真正站在爱尔兰西部的峭壁上,我曾经打心底里犹豫,那个时候我终于明白了自己接下来几年的工作——尝试着捕捉那些来势汹汹的魔法。 那高度,实在有些吓人,但是在卡通沙龙和汤姆奇妙的艺术系统的领导之下,在爱尔兰那些不朽诗歌以及其他一些重大的影响之下,我们将海洋之歌一笔一笔地描绘了出来。能够参与制作我感到荣幸而自豪。 感谢所有卡通沙龙的工作人员,感谢那里的背景团队,感谢卢森堡的背景团队,感谢Serge Ume和他的创作团队以及特别感谢Ross Stwart能给我如此宝贵的一次经验。
来自Tomm大叔的序: My favorite weather is dry overcast days with softwhite skies and calm air. It was a day like that in early October nine yearsago when ventured down to the beach in Dingle with my then ten year old son Benin tow, to do a bit of sketching. 我最喜欢的天气就是阴天,灰白的天空绵长、平静无风。记得九年前,十月初牵着十岁大的小儿子本,冒险来到丁格尔沙滩上写生,也是这样的天气。 Whilethere we came across a seal cull and I started thinking about the connectionbetween our attitude to wildlife and our environment and the stories that oncereminded us of our place in the natural world. For the rest of our holiday inKerry, on boats and on walks around rocky islands, I day dreamed and discussedthe idea with Ben and my wife, Liselott. By the time we were driving home, backto the bustle of everyday life, the spirit of what / wanted to convey and someof the details of the story and characters had begun to take shape in my mind-eventually leading to the beginnings of a story about loss, tradition andchildhood. 那天,我们看到有渔民在捕杀海豹,我便开始思考,那些曾经提醒着我们自己在大自然中地位的故事,和我们面对自然生命的态度之间的关系。在假期的剩余时间里,在岩岛上的徒步/乘船旅行中,我开始幻想并且和本还有妻子Liselott一起讨论。过不多久,我们驱车回家,返回喧嚣的尘世。回家的途中,那些我想要传递的想法,伴随着故事的碎片还有人物,已经在我的脑海里成型了——一个讲述了“失去”,“传统”还有“童年”的故事。
I wrestled for a bit about the best format for such astory but it eventually became clear to me that an animated feature was thebest way to express what I had in mind; something that could, hopefully, be bothmelancholy and funny, something magical and intimate with beautiful music andartwork at its core, aimed at children and families. 我仔细斟酌了一下该用哪种载体来传达我的思想,最后我想最好还是回归老本行吧!这部动画既要好笑,同时更要悲伤一些,充满了魔力,而又不失亲近感。艺术和音乐是它的核心。一部面向亲子儿童的动画——海洋之歌。 As I worked on completing our first film "TheSecret of Kells', the characters and ideas for Song of the sea were percolatingaway in my sketchbooks and in the back of my mind. I knew it was likely to be oursecond feature film and I recognized I would need the help of many artists andcollaborators, much more talented than me, to pull it off as I imagined it. 当我还在赶制我们的第一部电影《凯尔经的秘密》时,海歌的一系列人物和灵感已经在我的速写本上迸发开来。我知道,这可能会成为我们的第二部影片,而且我需要各方艺术家和合作商的协助,来让这个大胆的想法成为可能! Even though we had the benefit or the lessons learnton our first film, I believe every film is a prototype and / have had enormousgood fortune to work with talented and dedicated collaborators, not just in myown studio, but in all the co-production studios involved. The amazing alchemythat happens when the right teams coalesce around a shared dream is notsomething easily replicated and it's especially hard when funds are limited. Iam enormously grateful to the team we had in all areas and hope we can all worktogether again. 即使是我们已经从第一部电影中学到了很多东西,我还是相信每一部电影都有自己独特的蓝本,而且我的运气也足够好,能有这么多天赋异禀而又执着奉献的合作伙伴——不只是我们的工作室而是整个联合创作过程中的每个人。当强大的团队聚集在同一个梦想周围的时候,就会产生魔力,这种魔力是不可复制的,并且要有很高的热情才能达到。我十分感谢每一个团队,期待我们的下一次合作。