DOSBox SVN Daum by ykhwong for Windows, OSX, and Linux
Last updated: 2015-01-25
SVN base version: r3894
URL: (Windows binary, Linux x86 source)
URL: The last version broke this build in various places and uses out of date and not fully working changes of the DOSBox-X branch. It is no longer recommended to use it.The Windows build incorporates Direct3D with pixelshaders, OpenglHQ, Innovation, Glide, zip/7z mount, Beep, NE2000 Ethernet, Graphis user interface (menu), Save/Load states, Vertical sync, CPU flags optimization, Various DOS commands (PROMPT, VOL, LABEL, MOUSE, etc) and CONFIG.SYS commands (DEVICE, BUFFERS, FILES, etc), Continuous turbo key, Core-switch key, Show details (from menu bar), Nice DOSBox icon, Font patch (cp437), MAKEIMG command, INTRO, Ctrl-break patch, DBCS support patch, Automatic mount, Printer output, MT-32 emulation (MUNT), MP3CUE, Overscan border, Stereo-swap, SDL_Resize, MemSize128, Internal 3dfx voodoo chip emulation, etc. Recent versions include DOSBox-X branch changes as well.