At 12, I believed honesty was always rewarded. 十二岁时,我以为诚实总会有回报。
One afternoon, I hit a ball through a vacant apartment’s window. 一天下午,我不小心将球踢进了一间空公寓的窗户中。
The sound of shattering glass was followed by kids running in all directions screaming, “Run! No one will tell.” 一声窗户玻璃碎裂的声音后,小伙伴们四下逃窜,边跑边喊:“快跑,没有人会知道的!”
I went to the manager, expecting praise for being so honest. He laughed, saying, “I’ve never had a kid snitch on themselves. Kind of dumb.” 而我找到了大楼的经理,希望他会表扬我的诚实。他笑了,说:“我还从来没见过像你这样主动告密的蠢孩子呢。”
I didn’t understand until my mother said, “How did you feel when you told the truth? Remember that instead of what he said. Pride in yourself will always be your reward.”我对此很是不解,这时,妈妈告诉我:“忘记他所说的,只需记住你讲真话时的感受。诚实所带来的骄傲是永恒的回报。”