Dennis Weidner
President Washington and Lincoln are hard acts to follow. I like President Trump, but would not call him a great president at this stage. It is to soon to tell and if the American people will give him the time to implement his policies. I think his policies are important steps in the right direction.
He understands that capitalism is the only way to provide Americans a prosperous future. The tax cuts and rescinding regulations are important steps in the right direction.
He understands that President Obama allowed the military to deteriorate, a terrible mistake in a very dangerous world.
He understands that the Europeans must pay ytheir fair sxhare of our mutual defense and that America can not continue to pock up most of the tab.
He understands the importance of the energy industry and the importance in both economic and security matters.
He understands that North Korean has to be delay with after President Obama allowed them to acquire nuclear weapons and long range delivery systems.
He understands that President Obama’s policy of appeasement with North Korea and Iran will bear tragic consequences.
He enforced President Obama’s Red Line in Syria, understanding
He understood the terrible consequences of Obama not moving with force against ISIS. (The refugee wave was destabilizing the EU.) Within a year under President Trump, the military has been given the support it needed to eviscerate ISIS.
He understands the importance of enforcing immigration law.
He understands the importance of appointing judges who rule based on the Constitution rather than liberal ideology.
He understands the impending crisis of the ballooning national debt. But without Democratic support is unable to do anything about it.
He understands the need to adjust trade policy to make sure Americans receive the benefits of free trade, only possible if it is also fair trade.
He understands the importance of freedom OF religion which does not mean freedom FROM religion.
He understands the way that the national media is abusing the First Amendment but becoming an arm of the Democratic Party and only presenting one side of many important national issues.
He understands the importance of supporting Israel. And he has managed to do so without alienating the Arabs. He has made some progress in convincing the Arabs that Israel and Jews are not the real threat.
1. 他明白唯有资本主义能够为美国的未来带来繁荣与昌盛。他的减税与废除一系列税收条款的计划正是通往正确道路的重要一步。
2. 他明白总统奥巴马的允让使得美国的军事实力受到了扼制,而在水深火热的当今世上,这无疑是一个致命的错误。
3. 他明白欧洲必须为共同防御付出公平的代价,而不是一味地由美国去承担起一切责任。
4. 他明白能源产业、经济与安全保障的重要性。
5. 他明白,在奥巴马允许朝鲜拥有核武与远程弹道导弹后,美国应当竭力阻止。
6. 他明白奥巴马对朝鲜和伊朗的绥靖政策将会孕育出悲剧的后果。
7. 他加强了奥巴马曾在叙利亚“划下”的红线。
8. 他明白奥巴马当年不与其它反ISIS势力共进退后所带来的严重后果(难民潮正在动摇欧盟,使其不稳)。川普上台的一年之内,对抗ISIS所行使的军事力量便得到了支持,恐怖组织的内脏被切除分解。
9. 他明白移民法的重要性。
10. 他明白任命法官时因以宪法而非意识形态为依据的重要性。
11. 他明白迫在眉睫的通胀与国债问题将为他美国带来危机。然而,没有民主的支持他什么也不能做。
12. 他明白为了让美国人从自由贸易中获利,对目前的贸易政策进行调整是必须的。
13. 他明白“宗教自由(freedom of religion)”和“过度的宗教自由(freedom from religion)”是不一样的。
*在这个层主看来,这里freedom of指“对……的自由”,freedom from本身的含义则表示一种解脱,免于受到任何人事物的束缚,所以这里我把它翻译成过度的宗教自由。
14. 他明白美国宪法第一修正案正在被国际媒体,尤其是民主党滥用,以至于人们仅能看到许多全国性问题的单独一面。
15. 他明白支持以色列的重要性,也打算在不与阿拉伯联合的情况下这么做。在劝服阿拉伯“以色列人和犹太人并不是真正的威胁”这件事上,他取得了一些进展。
Dennis Weidner
President Washington and Lincoln are hard acts to follow. I like President Trump, but would not call him a great president at this stage. It is to soon to tell and if the American people will give him the time to implement his policies. I think his policies are important steps in the right direction.
He understands that capitalism is the only way to provide Americans a prosperous future. The tax cuts and rescinding regulations are important steps in the right direction.
He understands that President Obama allowed the military to deteriorate, a terrible mistake in a very dangerous world.
He understands that the Europeans must pay ytheir fair sxhare of our mutual defense and that America can not continue to pock up most of the tab.
He understands the importance of the energy industry and the importance in both economic and security matters.
He understands that North Korean has to be delay with after President Obama allowed them to acquire nuclear weapons and long range delivery systems.
He understands that President Obama’s policy of appeasement with North Korea and Iran will bear tragic consequences.
He enforced President Obama’s Red Line in Syria, understanding
He understood the terrible consequences of Obama not moving with force against ISIS. (The refugee wave was destabilizing the EU.) Within a year under President Trump, the military has been given the support it needed to eviscerate ISIS.
He understands the importance of enforcing immigration law.
He understands the importance of appointing judges who rule based on the Constitution rather than liberal ideology.
He understands the impending crisis of the ballooning national debt. But without Democratic support is unable to do anything about it.
He understands the need to adjust trade policy to make sure Americans receive the benefits of free trade, only possible if it is also fair trade.
He understands the importance of freedom OF religion which does not mean freedom FROM religion.
He understands the way that the national media is abusing the First Amendment but becoming an arm of the Democratic Party and only presenting one side of many important national issues.
He understands the importance of supporting Israel. And he has managed to do so without alienating the Arabs. He has made some progress in convincing the Arabs that Israel and Jews are not the real threat.
1. 他明白唯有资本主义能够为美国的未来带来繁荣与昌盛。他的减税与废除一系列税收条款的计划正是通往正确道路的重要一步。
2. 他明白总统奥巴马的允让使得美国的军事实力受到了扼制,而在水深火热的当今世上,这无疑是一个致命的错误。
3. 他明白欧洲必须为共同防御付出公平的代价,而不是一味地由美国去承担起一切责任。
4. 他明白能源产业、经济与安全保障的重要性。
5. 他明白,在奥巴马允许朝鲜拥有核武与远程弹道导弹后,美国应当竭力阻止。
6. 他明白奥巴马对朝鲜和伊朗的绥靖政策将会孕育出悲剧的后果。
7. 他加强了奥巴马曾在叙利亚“划下”的红线。
8. 他明白奥巴马当年不与其它反ISIS势力共进退后所带来的严重后果(难民潮正在动摇欧盟,使其不稳)。川普上台的一年之内,对抗ISIS所行使的军事力量便得到了支持,恐怖组织的内脏被切除分解。
9. 他明白移民法的重要性。
10. 他明白任命法官时因以宪法而非意识形态为依据的重要性。
11. 他明白迫在眉睫的通胀与国债问题将为他美国带来危机。然而,没有民主的支持他什么也不能做。
12. 他明白为了让美国人从自由贸易中获利,对目前的贸易政策进行调整是必须的。
13. 他明白“宗教自由(freedom of religion)”和“过度的宗教自由(freedom from religion)”是不一样的。
*在这个层主看来,这里freedom of指“对……的自由”,freedom from本身的含义则表示一种解脱,免于受到任何人事物的束缚,所以这里我把它翻译成过度的宗教自由。
14. 他明白美国宪法第一修正案正在被国际媒体,尤其是民主党滥用,以至于人们仅能看到许多全国性问题的单独一面。
15. 他明白支持以色列的重要性,也打算在不与阿拉伯联合的情况下这么做。在劝服阿拉伯“以色列人和犹太人并不是真正的威胁”这件事上,他取得了一些进展。