新闻原文:Rihanna's humanity—and not her celebrity—is why she's changing the beauty industry Rihanna is an award-winning musician who made the world fall in love with radio hits such as "Umbrella, " "We Found Love, " and "Wild Thoughts." She is also a fashion muse for designer brands, including Dior and Puma. While there is no doubt that these successes play into the self-proclaimed bad gal's superstar status, in 2017 it was the debut of her cosmetics line, Fenty Beauty, that truly changed the game. The range included a primer, highlighters, lip gloss—and last, but certainly far from least—40 foundation shades, ranging from very fair to very deep. "After years of experimenting with the best-of-the-best in beauty—and still seeing a void in the industry for products that performed across all skin types and tones, she launched a makeup line 'so that women everywhere would be included, '" the brand shared in an official statement. In addition to her loyal fanbase, people around the globe were excited about seeing what they felt was one key element missing from the beauty world: makeup representation for all. Will Rihanna be the new queen of the cosmetics industry? After the phenomenal first few months Fenty Beauty has had, we can bet she has more extraordinary tricks up her sleeve that will continue to push boundaries, ignite colossal levels of black girl magic, and continually shake up the beauty industry.