So,no one told you life was gonna be this way. Your job's a joke,you're broke,your love life's D.O.A. It's like you're always stuck in second gear. Well,it hasn't been your day, your week,your month,or even your year. But I'll be there for you 《老友记》歌词
贪婪之橙灯 中文誓言: 偷蒙拐骗,不择手段; 不论何物,将归吾怀; 善良圣贤,以吾无害; 畏吾贪婪,橙光之威! 英文誓词(传说中): I'll cheat, steal or cut in line. What ever it takes to get what's mine, even if it be thine. Let those who think me not malign. Be ware of my avarice,orange lantern's shine! ——DC《绿灯侠》
生命之白灯 中文誓言: 至白之日终有光, 洗净灵魂就错妄。 黑暗降临目光仰, 新昼降临光无量! 英文誓言: In brightest day there will be light; To cleanse the soul and set wrongs right; When darkness falls look to the skies; A new dawn comes——LET THERE BE LIGHT! ——DC《绿灯侠》
死亡之黑灯 中文誓言: 至黑之夜遮天日, 此消彼长暗吞光。 剜心摄魂汝命毙, 亡灵复出黑手役! 英文誓言: The Blackest Night falls from the skies. The darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise. By my Black Hand-- The dead shall rise! ——DC《绿灯侠》
愤怒之红灯 滚烫热血猩红怒, 取自未寒尸骨处。 深仇大恨烹肺腑, 铸得汝辈黄泉路! With blood and rage of crimson red. Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate, We'll burn you all... That is your fate. ——DC《绿灯侠》