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IP属地:美国1楼2018-04-10 13:23回复
    Carmen I
    Cui dono lepidum novum libellum
    arida modo pumice expolitum?
    Corneli, tibi; namque tu solebas
    meas esse aliquid putare nugas
    iam tum cum ausus es unus Italorum
    omne aevum tribus explicare chartis,
    doctis, Iuppiter, et laboriosis!
    Quare habe tibi quidquid hoc libelli
    Qualecumque, quod, o patrona virgo,
    plus uno maneat perenne saeclo.
    Poem I
    To whom, I give the charming new little book,
    simply polished by a dry pumice?
    Cornelius, to you; for you used to
    think my trifles were something
    Now then when you, one of the Italians, dare
    to explain the whole age with three chapters.
    learned, Oh Jupiter, and laborious!
    Wherefore have this something of the little book for yourself
    whatever, which, Oh patron virgin,
    may it remain perpetually more than one lifetime.
    lepidus, -a, -um: charming;
    aridus, -a, -um: dry, arid, spiritless
    pumex, -cis, m&f, pumice
    expolio, expolire, expolivi, expolitus, polish, embellish, elaborate smooth
    soleo, solere, solitus, used to, accustomed to
    namque, for, since
    nugae, f, pl, triffles, jests, jokes
    aevum, n, time, eternity, lifetime, generation
    Iuppiter, Iovis, 3rd, except nom.sg et voc.sg
    quare, why, by what means
    perenne, adv, perpetually, eternally

    IP属地:美国2楼2018-04-10 14:32
      II. fletus passeris Lesbiae
      Passer, deliciae meae puellae,
      quicum ludere, quem in sinu tenere,
      cui primum digitum dare appetenti
      et acris solet incitare morsus,
      cum desiderio meo nitenti
      carum nescio quid lubet iocari
      et solaciolum sui doloris,
      credo ut tum gravis acquiescat ardor:
      tecum ludere sicut ipsa possem
      et tristis animi levare curas!
      Tam gratum est mihi quam ferunt puellae
      pernici aureolum fuisse malum,
      quod zonam solvit diu ligatam.
      Sparrow, the delight of my girl,
      whom she play with, whom she hold in bosom,
      to whose greedy attack she gives her fingertip
      and provokes you to peck her sharply,
      when gleaming with desire of me
      she jests a light joke of it, so that
      it is a solace for her pain
      I believe when the heavy burning is at rest;
      Could I but play with you just as she does
      and lighten the sad cares of mind.
      This was as pleasing to me
      as the golden apple was to the fleet footed girl,
      which unloosed her girdle long-time fastened.
      passer, -eris, m. - sparrow
      deliciae, -arum, f. - delight; beloved object; darling
      quicum = quocum - with whom
      sinus, -us, m. - curve; fold; lap; [in one's body or dress]
      ludo, ludere, lusi, lusum, to play, to joke, to mock, to ridicure
      appeto, appetere, appetivi, appetitum, to grasp after; peck
      morsus, -us, m. a bite; biting
      incitare, provoke, incite
      desiderium, -i, n. - desire; the object of my affection
      niteo, nitere, nitui, shine, glitter, flourish
      lubet or libet, it pleases; it is agreeable
      iocor, iocari, iocatus sum , to jest; joke
      solaciolum, -i, n. - little comfort; relief; solace
      acquiesco, -ere, -ievi - repose; rest; be satisfied
      ardor, ardoris, m. - a burning fire; heat; flame; passion
      levare - relieve, lighten; take away
      gratus -a, -um - causing joy; agreeable; welcome
      ferunt (3rd pl. pres. fero) - they say; report; relate
      pernix, pernicis - nimble; swift
      aureolus, -a, -um (dim. of aureus) - little gold
      malum, -i, n. - apple; pulpy fruit
      zona, -ae, f. - belt; girdle; zone
      solvo, solvere, solui, solutum, loosen; untie; undo
      ligare - to bind; tie

      IP属地:美国3楼2018-04-12 23:54
        III. fletus passeris Lesbiae
        Lugete, o Veneres Cupidinesque,
        et quantum est hominum venustiorum:
        passer mortuus est meae puellae,
        passer, deliciae meae puellae,
        quem plus illa oculis suis amabat.
        nam mellitus erat suamque norat
        ipsam tam bene quam puella matrem,
        nec sese a gremio illius movebat,
        sed circumsiliens modo huc modo illuc
        ad solam dominam usque pipiabat.
        qui nunc it per iter tenebricosum
        illuc, unde negant redire quemquam.
        at vobis male sit, malae tenebrae
        Orci, quae omnia bella devoratis:
        tam bellum mihi passerem abstulistis
        o factum male! o miselle passer!
        tua nunc opera meae puellae
        flendo turgiduli rubent ocelli.
        Mourn, O Venuses and Cupids,
        and as much as all gracious men:
        the sparrow of my girl is dead,
        the sparrow, darling of my girl,
        which she loved more than her own eyes.
        For it was so sweet that she knew himself
        as well as her mother,
        nor did he move himself from her laps,
        but hopping from here to there
        and constantly sing for the only mistress.
        Who now fares along the path of shadow
        there, whence nothing may ever return.
        May evil befall you, savage glooms of
        Orcus, where you swallow up all things of fairness:
        you have snatched away a so comely sparrow from me
        O wretched dedd! O miserable sparrow!
        Now on your account my girl's
        swollen little eyes are reddening by mourn.
        lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctus, to mourn
        Venus, Veneris f, Venus
        Cupido, Cupidinis m, Cupid
        venustus, -a, -um, charming, friendly, lovely, pleasing.
        plus, plus + Abl - more than
        mellitus, -a, -um, honey, sweet
        nosco, noscere, novi, notum, to know, recognize, (in classical Latin noveram is usually noram, norim etc.)
        gremium, gremii, n, lap, bosom, female interior
        circumsilio, circumsilire, circumsiliui - jump, hop around
        hoc, here
        illuc, there
        modo, once, just, only
        pipio, pipiare, pipiavi, pipiatum, chirp
        iter, itineris, n, a route, journey, path, march
        tenebricosus, -a, -um, full of darkness or gloom, shrouded in darkness, gloomy
        tenebra, -ae, for pl. darkness, shadow, gloom, obscurity; ignorance, concealment
        unde, whence, from where
        redeo, redire, redii, reditum, go/move/turn/come back, revert; + ad be brought to, reduced to
        nego, negare, negavi, negatum, deny, refuse, reject, prevent
        Orcus, -i, underword, hell
        devorare, swallow, gulp down, devour, absorb, consume
        tam, so
        aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatum, take away, carry off, withdraw, separate, divide, abduct, snatch
        misellus, -a, -um, poor, wretched
        opera, -ae, trouble, pains, exertion, work, labour
        fleo, flere, flevi, fletum, to weep, cry, lament, grieve for
        turgidulus, -a, -um, swollen, inflamed
        rubeo, rubere, rubui, be red or ruddy, to grow red, redden, blush

        IP属地:美国4楼2018-04-13 10:34
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          IP属地:美国5楼2018-04-13 15:01
            V. ad Lesbiam
            Vivamus mea Lesbia, atque amemus,
            rumoresque senum severiorum
            omnes unius aestimemus assis!
            soles occidere et redire possunt:
            nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux,
            nox est perpetua una dormienda.
            da mi basia mille, deinde centum,
            dein mille altera, dein secunda centum,
            deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum.
            dein, cum milia multa fecerimus,
            conturbabimus illa, ne sciamus,
            aut ne quis malus invidere possit,
            cum tantum sciat esse basiorum.
            V. To Lesbia
            Let us live my Lesbia, and let us love,
            and price all the rumors of
            stearn old men at one as!
            Suns can set and rise again:
            when the brief light of us once disappear,
            one perpetual night must slept by us.
            Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred,
            then another thousand, then a second hundred,
            then until another thousand, then a hundred.
            then, when we have finished many thousands,
            we will confuse them lest we know the numbering,
            lest he who bad can cast a evil eye on us,
            when he knows there are so many kisses.
            as, assis, m, as
            aestimo, asestimare. asestimavi, asestimatum, determine, value, price, rate, estimate
            occido, occidere, occidi, occasum, to fall down, go down, set, perish, die, lost, ruined, undone
            dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitum, to sleep
            conturbo, conturbare, conturbavi, conturbatum, to confuse, confound, disturb
            invideo, invidere, invidi, invisum, to look askance or maliciously, am prejudiced

            IP属地:美国6楼2018-04-15 01:21
              VI. ad Flavium
              Flavi, delicias tuas Catullo,
              ni sint illepidae atque inelegantes,
              velles dicere nec tacere posses.
              verum nescio quid febriculosi
              scorti diligis: hoc pudet fateri.
              nam te non viduas iacere noctes
              nequiquam tacitum cubile clamat
              sertis ac Syrio fragrans olivo,
              pulvinusque peraeque et hic et ille
              attritus, tremulique quassa lecti
              argutatio inambulatioque.
              nam inista prevalet nihil tacere.
              cur? non tam latera ecfututa pandas,
              ni tu quid facias ineptiarum.
              quare, quidquid habes boni malique,
              dic nobis. volo te ac tuos amores
              ad caelum lepido vocare versu.
              VI, To Flavius
              Flavius, the delight of you to Catullus,
              if they are not disagreeble and inelegant,
              you want to tell and can not remain in silence.
              I really dont know what are you loving
              of a feverish harlot: it shames to confess.
              For the couch, vainly tacet, proclaims
              that you do not lie down for celibate nights,
              which is fragrant from garlands and Syrian oil,
              and the pillow equally both this side and that
              worn away, and the battered creaking of the shaken
              bed, and its moving to and fro.
              Now you yourself would do well to not at all keep silent these things.
              Why? For you wouldn't extend such ****ed-out thighs
              unless you were doing something unfitting.
              Therefore, whatever you have of good and bad,
              I want to call you and your love
              into the sky with charming verse.
              febriculosus, -a, -um, feverish, febrile
              scortum, -a, a skin, hide, or a harlot, prostitute
              diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectum, to esteem, love, have regard for
              pudet, pudere, puduit, it shames, it cause one to feel shame.
              fateor, fateri, fassus sum, to confess, admit, to acknowlegde, own, to show, indicate
              viduo, viduare, viduavi, viduatum, to deprive, bereave
              nequiquam, in vain, fruitlessly
              taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitum, be silent, be still, keep quiet
              cubile, cubilis, n, bed, couch, place of rest
              clamare, cry out, clamor, shout
              sero, serere, sevi, satum, to sow, plant, beget, bring forth, produce, found, establish, excite, cause
              fragro, fragrare, fragravi, to emit a smell of
              pulvinus, pulvini, m, cushion, pillow, bolster
              pera, -ae, f, bag, satchel, wallet
              attritus, -a, -um, rubbed, ground, chafed, worn
              attero, atterere, attrivi, attritum, rub, grind, chafe, wear
              tremulus, -a, -um, shaking, quaking, trembling, tremulous
              quassare, to quake, to shake, to wave
              lectus, -i, bed, couch, sofa
              lego, legere, legi, lectum, to choose, select, appoint, collect, read
              argutatio, f, caviling, subtle disputation
              pando, pandere, pandi, passum, to spread, open, extend/ to unfold, expand
              ineptia, -ae, silliness, folly, absurdity

              IP属地:美国7楼2018-04-16 00:31
                VII. ad Lesbiam
                Quaeris, quot mihi basiationes
                tuae, Lesbia, sint satis superque.
                quam magnus numerus Libyssae harenae
                lasarpiciferis iacet Cyrenis
                oraclum Iovis inter aestuosi
                et Batti veteris sacrum sepulcrum;
                aut quam sidera multa, cum tacet nox,
                furtivos hominum vident amores:
                tam te basia multa basiare
                vesano satis et super Catullo est,
                quae nec pernumerare curiosi
                possint nec mala fascinare lingua.
                VII. To Lesbia
                You ask, that to me how many kisses
                of yours, Lesbia, may be enough and more.
                As much as the countless Libyan sands
                that strew in the siphilum-bearing Cyrene
                between the oracle of sweltering Juppiter
                and the sacred grave of old Battus;
                Or as the many stars, when night is silent,
                look upon people's secret love affairs:
                then to kiss you with so many kisses
                is enough and more for love-sick Catullus,
                that those prying men may not count
                nor an evil tongue bewitch.
                quot, how many, as many
                basiatio, -tionis, a kissing, kiss
                super + acc, above(place)/ beyond, over, + abl. concerning
                harena, -ae, sand, slime, mud
                lasarpicifer, lasarpicifera, lasarpiciferum, silphium bearing or producing
                oraculum, -i, oracle, prophecy
                aestuosus, -a, -um, hot, sultry, agitated
                vetus, veteris, aged, old, ancient
                sepulcrum, -i, tomb, grave
                sidus, sideris, n, stars
                furtivus, -a, -um, secret, concealed, stolen
                vesanus, -a, -um, mad, insane, wild, love-sick
                fascinare, to enchant, bewitch, charm, fascinate
                inter + acc. between, among / during, while
                pernumermare, to reckon up, count out

                IP属地:美国8楼2018-04-16 00:59
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                  IP属地:美国9楼2018-04-16 01:45
                    IX. ad Veranium
                    Verani, omnibus e meis amicis
                    antistans mihi milibus trecentis,
                    venistine domum ad tuos penates
                    fratresque unanimos anumque matrem?
                    venisti. o mihi nuntii beati!
                    visam te incolumem audiamque Hiberum
                    narrantem loca, facta nationes,
                    ut mos est tuus, applicansque collum
                    iucundum os oculosque suaviabor.
                    o quantum est hominum beatiorum,
                    quid me laetius est beatiusve?
                    IX. To Veranius
                    Veranius, surpassing all of my friends
                    in my feeling by thousands of times,
                    have you come home, to your Penates
                    your unanimous brothers and old mather?
                    You have come, oh joyful news to me!
                    Will I see you safe and sound and will hear
                    you narrating the Iberian places, deeds and people,
                    as is your manner, and drawing your pleasant neck close
                    Will I kiss your mouth and eyes?
                    O of all men most full of bliss,
                    who is more happy or more blissful than I?
                    antesto, antestare, antestiti, to surpass, excel
                    unanimus, -a, -um, concordate, harmonious, unanimous
                    anus, anus, f, old woman, crone
                    nuntius, m, a messager, an envoy, a command, pl. news, information
                    incolumis, incolumis, incolume, unimpaired, unhurt, safe, alive
                    mos, moris, m, manner, custom, habit/ humor, caprice
                    applicare, apply, add, attach
                    collum, n, neck, throat
                    os, oris, mouth, face, appearance, speech, entrance
                    suavior, suaviari, suaviatus sum, to kiss
                    laetior, laetior, laetius, happier

                    IP属地:美国10楼2018-04-16 23:34
                      X. ad Varum
                      Varus me meus ad suos amores
                      visum duxerat e foro otiosum,
                      scortillum, ut mihi tum repente visum est,
                      non sane illepidum neque invenustum,
                      huc ut venimus, incidere nobis
                      sermones varii, in quibus, quid esset
                      iam Bithynia, quo modo se haberet,
                      et quonam mihi profuisset aere.
                      respondi id quod erat, nihil neque ipsis
                      nec praetoribus esse nec cohorti,
                      cur quisquam caput unctius referret,
                      praesertim quibus esset irrumator
                      praetor, nec faceret pili cohortem.
                      'at certe tamen,' inquiunt 'quod illic
                      natum dicitur esse, comparasti
                      ad lecticam homines.' ego, ut puellae
                      unum me facerem beatiorem,
                      'non' inquam 'mihi tam fuit maligne
                      ut, provincia quod mala incidisset,
                      non possem octo homines parare rectos.'
                      at mi nullus erat nec hic neque illic
                      fractum qui veteris pedem grabati
                      in collo sibi collocare posset.
                      hic illa, ut decuit cinaediorem,
                      'quaeso' inquit 'mihi, mi Catulle, paulum
                      istos commoda: nam volo ad Serapim
                      deferri.' 'mane' inquii puellae,
                      'istud quod modo dixeram me habere,
                      fugit me ratio: meus sodalis—
                      Cinna est Gaius—is sibi paravit.
                      verum, utrum illius an mei, quid ad me?
                      utor tam bene quam mihi pararim.
                      sed tu insulsa male et molesta vivis,
                      per quam non licet esse neglegentem.'
                      X. To Varus
                      Varus led me, idle, out of Forum
                      to see his lover;
                      a harlot, as it then at once seemed to me,
                      was neither too unpleasant nor unattractive,
                      as we came here, we had
                      various conversations, in which: how was
                      Bithynia now, in what way it hold itself,
                      and whither it profits in bronze to me.
                      I responded it which was: there's nothing neither for themselves
                      nor for the leader nor for the cohort,
                      why anyone might bring back a more scented head,
                      especially to whom had a bastard
                      as a leader, who valued his cohort at less than a hair.
                      "But certainly still", they say, " which there
                      is said to be native, you got for yourself
                      some people for the palaquin." I (in order to
                      make myself the most fortunate to the girl)
                      "No," I say "it did not go that badly with me,
                      poor as the province turned out,
                      that I could not procure eight sturdy men to bear me."
                      (but there is no one to me neither here or there
                      who might be able to station the broken foot
                      of the old cot on his neck.
                      Here she, as befitted one more slutty,
                      said " I ask, my Catullus, for you to lend me those men
                      for a little bit: for I want to go to Serapis
                      being carried." " Wait, " said I to the girl,
                      "that which I had just said that I had...
                      reason fled me: my buddy——
                      Cinna Gaius—— he prepared for himself.
                      Actually whether they are his or mine, what's it to me?
                      I use them as well as I had prepared for myself.
                      But you live as a unwitty and annoying one,
                      by whom one is not allowed to be heedless!"
                      otiosus, -a, -um, idle, unemployed, free from office
                      scortum, scorti, n, a skin, hide/ a harlot, prostitute
                      repente, suddenly
                      huc, here, to this place, hither, so far, to this point
                      sermo, sermonis, m, a conversation, a rumor, diction, language, manner of speaking
                      varius, -a, -um, diverse, different, various, variegated
                      prosum, prodesse, profui, be useful or of use, do good, help, benefit, serve, profit
                      aes, aeris, n, money, pay, fee, fare, copper, bronze, brass, payment, debt
                      aer, aeris, m/f, air
                      quonam, to whatever place, whither
                      praetor, praetoris, m, leader, head, chief, president
                      cohors, cohortis, f, a court, farmyard, retinue, circle, cohort, bodyguard
                      quisquam, quaequam, quidquam, anyone, anything
                      unctior, unctior, unctius, more anointed
                      refero, referre, rettuli, relatum, I bear, bring, drive or carry back, respond, restore, return, relate
                      praesertim, especially, particularly
                      irrumator, irrumatoris, m, bastard, asshole, cocksucker
                      pilus, pili, m, a hair, iota, an insignificant amount
                      comparo, comparare, comparavi, comparatum, to compare, match, procure, purchase, obtain, arrange
                      lectica, lecticae, f, litter, sedan ,palanquin, or a portable sofa or couch
                      malignus, maligna, malignum, malignate
                      parare, to prepare, provide
                      rectus, recta, rectum, proper, straight, right, ruled
                      frango, frangere, fregi, fractum, to break, shatter or to vanquish, defeat utterly
                      vetus, vetus, veteris, old, aged, ancient, long-standing, former, previous
                      collocare, to place, put, assign or settle, or assemble
                      decet, decere, decuit, it adorns, it is decent, suitable, seemly or proper
                      paulus, paula, paulum, little, small
                      paulum, minus, minime, little

                      IP属地:美国11楼2018-04-18 13:57

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