“There are a couple of ways to get feedback on these textures to us. However, since we’ve objectively made the best textures possible there’s really no reason to bother - so you can just sit back, boot up Minecraft, and bask in this technicolour treat instead!” “你可以通过许多途径给我们关于新材质的反馈,然而,由于我们客观上做出了世界上最好的,最无可挑剔的材质,你并没有什么可以挑剔的。所以打开minecraft然后享受新材质吧。” 我真希望这是个玩笑 链接: https://minecraft.net/zh-hans/article/java-edition-textures-finally-perfected
“But we will thank Jasper, our tireless texture artist, whose work here is now finally done. Great job, pal! Now clear your desk and get out. ” “但是我们要感谢Jasper, 他是我们的材质设计师,现在他终于完成了这项杰作。干的漂亮!现在,收拾好桌子***出去!” MD幸好是愚人节玩笑心脏病都要吓出来了