blue book 蓝皮书;
blue blood 名门出身;
blue funk 极端的恐惧;
blue joke 低级趣味的笑话;
out of the blue 突然地;
into the blue 无影无踪;
blue in the face 气急败坏,精疲力尽;面红耳赤;
blue ribbon 最高荣誉;
black and blue 遍体鳞伤的;
blue jeans 牛仔裤
blue blood 名门出身;
blue funk 极端的恐惧;
blue joke 低级趣味的笑话;
out of the blue 突然地;
into the blue 无影无踪;
blue in the face 气急败坏,精疲力尽;面红耳赤;
blue ribbon 最高荣誉;
black and blue 遍体鳞伤的;
blue jeans 牛仔裤