Engineer: Fernando, Verstappen spun, he's now the car in front of Sainz. (费尔南多,维斯塔潘刚刚打滑了,现在他是卡塞青前面的那辆车。)
Fernando: Okay, you speak up a little bit, it is long race and you are losing the energy already.(好的,你需要说话说得响一点。这是场漫长的比赛,但你现在就已经没有能量了。)
Engineer: Mate, I'm here racing with you, the energy is high. Come on, lets do this.(老铁,我在这儿与你共同战斗,充满能量!我们一起加油!)
Engineer: Fernando, Verstappen spun, he's now the car in front of Sainz. (费尔南多,维斯塔潘刚刚打滑了,现在他是卡塞青前面的那辆车。)
Fernando: Okay, you speak up a little bit, it is long race and you are losing the energy already.(好的,你需要说话说得响一点。这是场漫长的比赛,但你现在就已经没有能量了。)
Engineer: Mate, I'm here racing with you, the energy is high. Come on, lets do this.(老铁,我在这儿与你共同战斗,充满能量!我们一起加油!)