NigelB: If you are missing this, we are looking into providing this to players as soon as possible.
DrLighting: But as you can see, Ash has 2 elite skins, right? One is in Chimera pack other one is Sidewinder.
DrLighting: I got one which in the Chimera pack and I missed the Ubisoft's gift one
NigelB: The item in the Outbreaks Packs is not an Elite skin.
This is a Uniform and separate from the Sidewinder Elite Uniform that will provided for free.
NigelB: The free Ash Sidewinder Elite skin is missing for some players, and we are currently working on making this available to eligible players.
DrLighting: U mean the outbreaks one is not elite skin?
DrLighting: would u mind wait me 1 min and I will checked that
NigelB: That's right.
NigelB: There is no need to check, these are different skins.
DrLighting: Well, the name of skin called black viper is not elite skin as your world?
NigelB: That's correct.
NigelB: The elite skin is called Sidewinder.
DrLighting: But as you can see, Ash has 2 elite skins, right? One is in Chimera pack other one is Sidewinder.
DrLighting: I got one which in the Chimera pack and I missed the Ubisoft's gift one
NigelB: The item in the Outbreaks Packs is not an Elite skin.
This is a Uniform and separate from the Sidewinder Elite Uniform that will provided for free.
NigelB: The free Ash Sidewinder Elite skin is missing for some players, and we are currently working on making this available to eligible players.
DrLighting: U mean the outbreaks one is not elite skin?
DrLighting: would u mind wait me 1 min and I will checked that
NigelB: That's right.
NigelB: There is no need to check, these are different skins.
DrLighting: Well, the name of skin called black viper is not elite skin as your world?
NigelB: That's correct.
NigelB: The elite skin is called Sidewinder.