1116 - The Neonatal Nomenclature
AIRS MARCH 1, 2018
When Bernadette won't go into labor, all her friends try different tactics to get things started. Also, Wolowitz confronts Bernadette after Amy accidentally reveals she's already chosen their son's name.
1116 -新生儿命名法
当Bernadette不去分娩时,她所有的朋友都试着用不同的方法开始做事。另外,Wolowitz对阵Bernadette后,Amy 意外发现她已经选择了自己儿子的名字。
AIRS MARCH 1, 2018
When Bernadette won't go into labor, all her friends try different tactics to get things started. Also, Wolowitz confronts Bernadette after Amy accidentally reveals she's already chosen their son's name.
1116 -新生儿命名法
当Bernadette不去分娩时,她所有的朋友都试着用不同的方法开始做事。另外,Wolowitz对阵Bernadette后,Amy 意外发现她已经选择了自己儿子的名字。