Buy Akebia quinata online from Jacksons Nurseries A semi-evergreen, trailing climber with scented purple-maroon flowers in the spring, which are often followed by very unusual, elongated purple fruits during a long, hot summer. The flower petals are thick, almost waxy and are clustered along the stems. Each one produces a beautiful vanilla scent, much prized by gardeners. In milder areas the leaves will remain throughout the winter months. In China, Akebia quinata is referred to as "mu tung" meaning "perforated wood", also occasionally known as "tung tsao" meaning "perforated grass". Although they look striking when planted alone, they do combine beautifully with the early flowering Clematis cirrhosa var. purpurascens 'Freckles' and Clematis armandii, or with the ornamental leaves of Vitis vinifera Purpurea. Ideal for planting over trellis, pergola or training up a wall where its scented flowers can be used to best effect. Thrives in most soils and most aspects, but doesn't appreciate root disturbance. They are best grown in warm gardens as the beautiful flowers are prone to damage from late frosts. These are vigorous growers and may require some climbing support.