Mezari Fleet skin
New galaxy shape (Spiral 6)
Brand new event
New anomaly
Three new combat modules
A new amphibian hero
新增amphibian英雄 (不知道哪个族。。管他呢
Added a feedback in menus to see which additional content is activated
Vodyani Ark enhancement:
Upgrading a Vodyani Ark level (System Development upgrade) now increases Ark Health, Manpower, attack and 3D model
Potential highest health/manpower/attack increase and highest 3D model available are shown in ship design editor
The Coordination pings can now be drag-and-dropped on the galaxy after they have been placed
"Vacate System" now correctly informs the player why it cannot be used when the player does not have ownership of the system
Fleets can now retreat in the territory of empires whom you are at Cold War with
Privateers can no longer prevent sieges by orbiting a system
It is now possible to attack civilian fleets with a fleet that has no action points left
Tied the Force Truce tribute amount to game turn and dust inflation
Prevented contextual terms to be sent by the AI if it has not met the player
Now, if all players are in the same team and if the AI wins on the other side, player can see the Metaplot ending
Flaks have been modified, with their damage nerfed and range reviewed
Hero experience gain during battles is now shown in the Battle Report
Added priorities to diplomatic terms so they are displayed in a more intuitive order
"Authoritarian Leadership" when used as a starting skill now has a siege power bonus
Second part of the Metaplot quest do trigger if the quest fleets win the first part of "Isyander's Gambit"
Isyander's Gambit can now be completed if the quest fleets orbit around and then leave the majority of systems
Lowered default pirate difficulty
Slowed down Pirate spawn on a global scale
Slightly reduced Pirate Lair manpower on a global scale
Added missing Co-operative protocols for Sheredyn and Mezari
Increased Dust gained by scrapping ships and improvements and linked gained values to Dust inflation
Reworked war momentum formula to be more progressive (wars are not heavily influenced by early battles anymore)
Conquest Victory thresholds increased slightly on the 4 biggest map sizes based on Community feedback
Fixed Xenolinguistics being unavailable as a Starting Technology trait in Custom Factions with Sophon Visual affinity
Improved Pirate Lair Manpower distribution
Removed upkeep on Star System Level upgrades
Manpower defense on Ships is now capped at 95%
Increased "Moonbase Alpha" effect from +40 to +50 Dust
Vodyani Chapter 3 Rebellious objective has changed: “Maintain during X turns 2 non-religious or neutral laws” instead of “no Religious laws in the Senate during X turns”
Vodyani Chapter 4 Religious objective value has changed: Pressure Amount to reach is now computed depending on the current Pressure Amount
Lumeris Chapter 2 Part 1 Industrialist/Ecologist objective: Industry or Ecologist ideologies have to be part of the Leading political parties in the Senate
Lumeris Chapter 2 Part 2 Maintain Industrialist/Ecologist objective has changed: “Have X laws during X turns” instead of “reach a min amount of activated laws”
Missile lifetime has been capped to 30s in Space Battles
The United empire Chapter 2 Part 2 objective is now “Keep an amount of laws during X turns instead of reach a fix minimum”
Those Darn Kids: The first objective now gives an amount of buildings the player has to build instead of construction type limitations
Those Darn Kids: Instead of filling 2 hangars with ships, the player has to only fill 1 hangar
Founders Keepers: objective is now located in the middle of the Galaxy in order to make this quest easier to achieve
Pirate fleets now have a penalty in space battle against major empire AIs in difficulties above normal
Once controlled, the name of a constellation changes color to match that of its owner
Changed the “Marine Blue” empire color to improve visibility
Added safety check notification when the user deletes an entry from the Journal
Added Notification for the end of the metaplot
Added notification to inform your ally that they will lose the effects of Co-operative protocol when it is cancelled
Updated the character limit for renaming fleets
Updated “New contextual diplomatic term available” feedback
Updated text in battle report notification when war trend is maxed
Added a feedback in battle notifications when the war momentum trend is maxed out
Removed the notification that discovering a constellation was a prerequisite to take control of it
Clarified pressure sources values in their tooltip in diplomacy screen (added the numerical values)
User is now informed that a system with less than 100% ownership cannot be evacuated
User is now informed why they cannot place singularities on an enemy system when the "Remove Singularities" contextual term is in effect
Added feedback for effects happening after the metaplot has ended
Added a cap for the pressure trend feedback
Added the number of available probes in the exploration ship tooltip / Added the expedition power value in the fleet tooltip
Added tooltip explaining why a Singularity cannot be placed somewhere
Added icon to tooltips of damage gauges in the advanced battle report screen
Coordination Tool pings no longer remain on screen permanently if the user is zooming in or out in Galaxy View while a ping is placed
Changed the industry icon to a militarist icon for the first choice of the political Generation Gamma event
If the text exceeds the requests width, the player can hover the request to see the rest of the text
Swapped the Pirate and Minor Faction difficulty sliders in the New Game menu
Lobby bug has been fixed: sometimes players could not see friends multiplayer games
The Photobomber quest no longer fails if the ship of the Photobomber is merged the ship with another fleet
Fixed case of AI repairing ship right after selling it which caused an error
Fixed being able to send the "generate pressure" term in succession in some cases
Fixed being able to trade systems at war without signing a truce
Influence and Dust tooltips no longer display "missingGuiElement" debug text after "Stop Pacific conversion" contextual term is refused
Effect of the Co-operative protocol is now properly displayed in the "signed treaty" notification
Ship stats no longer overlap the ship tooltip box when the game is set to "Window" mode and 1920x1080 resolution
The Wonder notification no longer displays false information after you are refunded a wonder
Fixed an issue where changing the government did not apply the feedbacked costs
Upkeep now correctly increases when turning a fleet into privateers
Fixed an issue where, sometimes, the amount of CP and the number of ships used to unlock flotillas did not take into account all the ships involved in the battle
Ship modules can now be located inside the technology screen by searching for their titles
Fixed systems with only guardians sending free guardians to neighbours with "natural" migration
The research turn duration displayed in the empire panel is now properly updated based on the available science surplus
Description text in the planet scan view is no longer overlapping
Made star lanes highlight & usage more consistent when the selected fleet is in movement
Ship action panel can no longer be displayed in the Star system management screen
Fixed "natural" migration causing errors when system has no population
A fleet in "sleep" mode will now wake up if it can destroy a planet
Contextual terms that are cancelled (eg. context no longer valid or war declared) no longer have a cooldown
Fixed labels of planets/systems lost to Unfallen invasion displaying erroneous information
Fixed 2 issues on Contextual Diplomatic Exchange Cancellation:
"Done" button on the "Diplomatic Exchange Cancelled" notification now has correct behaviour
Both empires are now informed that a diplomatic exchange is canceled when the conditions of a contextual term are no longer met
Motherships can no longer detach from the system when it is frozen with a Riftborn singularity
Fixed fleets created on a system that is being blockaded not being able to move, but still showing more than 0 movement points
Fixed retreat not working after a fleet has been intercepted
"Preserve the Academy" quest markers are now correctly placed
"Remove outposts" colonization restriction range now depends on influence radius of each neighbouring system, instead of the same value for every system
Fixed minor faction trait not being removed after it has been granted through a "Development grants" action
Fleet actions are now properly updated in real time when a Stasis Singularity is canceled
Fixed the fact that the resources icon could go under the populations icons in the star system management view
The enemy is no longer incorrectly shown as destroyed after retreating
Fixed Probe launch interface not being closed when the fleet launching the probe is teleported out of empire influence via diplomacy
Fixed some contextual diplomatic terms being shown in GUI although they cannot be sent.
The "Destroy Planet" and "Colonize" buttons are now updated properly if the fleet is attacked while orbiting the system
Fixed sorting order of diplomatic terms in negotiation modal window
Narrative events with only political effects are now displayed correctly in the narrative screen
Functionality of the Coordination Tool visibility button is no longer inverted if the user performs any action that disables the Coordination Tool button while it is active
Coordination Tool no longer overlaps with the player bar buttons
The ping button is no longer highlighted if the players click another button like the Scan view button for example
The players can no longer place coordination requests if pings have been disabled
You cannot offer peace and alliance in the same contract anymore
The experience gained by admirals is no longer inconsistent with the value displayed in the combat notification
The fleet module effects are now only shown when hovering a ship in a fleet (not in the ship design edition panel)
Fixed and issue where The Confirmation message displayed when disabling all mods displays false information, informing the players that they are activating a mod
Fixed unfallen vines not decaying when captured by someone else
The tooltips are now shown correctly when hovering over dust and influence in the Change Government screen
Fixed Horatio splice bonuses being accumulated on systems & planets every time a system is captured
Fixed final Academy quest support fleets being able to spawn on lodestone systems
Fixed outposts being taken into account for constellation control in some cases
“Home planet” tooltip from Faction Selection now displays the correct effects
Fixed “Suggest Terms” button when evaluated terms are invalid (you can no longer spam it) and fixed “make offer” button being enabled even without enough influence
Fixed an issue where Retrofit button remains inactive if the user changes a ship design by double clicking it in the fleet panel
The Journal no longer display a score of 100 million for sessions which have disabled score victory
Multiple Constellation Control notifications should no longer be displayed if the user enters an Alliance after they establishes Constellation Control
Fixed issues with contextual diplomacy and Singularity placement.
It is no longer possible to open the Tech Screen by Ctrl+ Clicking on a Tech Hint if the Tech Screen is not accessible
Fixed an issue where the replay of space battles generated errors in MP and could lead to inconsistencies even when playing in single player
It is no longer possible to click on the button "Accept" in a negotiation which is not valid
Fixed projectile of "Basic Entropy Torpedoes" being smaller than "Basic Decay Torpedoes"
Fixed Reavers and Minor Factions not having their damage logged correctly in the Advanced Battle Report
"Authoritarian Leadership" now takes into account Manpower given by Ship Modules when applying its Manpower bonus
Game speed modifiers will now be properly applied to Hero related variables
Fixed the effects of Petrov Jutka's second starting skill not being displayed correctly in tooltips
Fixed an issue where Queued Techs that are discovered randomly through events/quests remain in queue
"Moonbase Alpha" effects will now properly apply on systems with moons
Fixed an issue where Empire Banner resources were not correctly rounded
Fixed an issue where ship XP was not correctly rounded
Fixed several issues related to Trade Company structures being destroyed/lost
Opening the "construction complete" notification after losing a system which had completed a construction this turn no longer causes an error
Made feedback more consistent for Pacifist default law
Fixed an issue where The Technology Influence buyout button displays background functionality in the Technology Screen when not having enough influence
Fixed an issue where Quest Empire did not have its inverted icon in battle notifications and advanced play/report screens
Fixed an issue where non Unfallen empires could enqueue the Guardian Harvest improvement any number of times without taking into account the number of Guardians in their system
Fixed the planet destruction cinematic
Ship designs that are automatically unlocked are now always at the first revision, instead of sometimes the 2nd
o When this happens with the starting ship designs (eg. starting with the technology for better engines than the starting ship), the starting ships are automatically retrofit for free.
Fixed interaction with slider options
Fixed war momentum value displayed in GUI not matching the actual gameplay value after a war was merged with another (via alliances)
Ship Health Regen now scales with Game Speed
Fixed the radii of influence circles not scaling with the Game Speed
Fixed Arks not receiving bonus experience from system improvements when they are built
Fixed an issue where false information displayed in reward of the "United Empire" objective of the "No Turning Back" UE quest when playing as a Custom Faction
Fixed exploit allowing Unfallen ships to move while they are entwining a system
Deposit values are properly displayed on uncolonized planets in non-normal game speed
Fixed "Development grants" effect appearing as still active during the turn after it ended
Due to a possible exploit with diplomatic counter offers to AI empires, these have been temporarily disabled
The AI no longer targets civilian ships first
Refined AI colonization heuristic
Raised offensive Military Power required for the AI to consider a fleet as dangerous
Refined war and truce declaration heuristics
Refactored fleet influence
Fixed an error when releasing AI too soon when the player is quitting
Corrected diplomatic demands evaluation
Corrected faction pact evaluation
AI now correctly pursues the “Dust to (More) Dust” & “An Ounce of Prevention” quests
AI handles leeching and Brainwashing better
AI will now sell resource overflow to market
AI now creates dedicated invasion fleets
Added new unused planet prefabs and materials, for modding purposes
It is now possible to add new visuals for planets, if the type is named PlanetTypeCustom01-20, or if it is unique with the name UniquePlanetCustom01-10
Materials can be exported via the Resource export tool
Multiple fixes and improvements based on community feedback
Due to recent modifications in the technology tree in order to accommodate the new content, players who had previously researched the "Unstable Isotope Machining" technology as the Unfallen Faction (or a custom faction using Unfallen population) will have to research it once more.
Mezari Fleet skin
New galaxy shape (Spiral 6)
Brand new event
New anomaly
Three new combat modules
A new amphibian hero
新增amphibian英雄 (不知道哪个族。。管他呢
Added a feedback in menus to see which additional content is activated
Vodyani Ark enhancement:
Upgrading a Vodyani Ark level (System Development upgrade) now increases Ark Health, Manpower, attack and 3D model
Potential highest health/manpower/attack increase and highest 3D model available are shown in ship design editor
The Coordination pings can now be drag-and-dropped on the galaxy after they have been placed
"Vacate System" now correctly informs the player why it cannot be used when the player does not have ownership of the system
Fleets can now retreat in the territory of empires whom you are at Cold War with
Privateers can no longer prevent sieges by orbiting a system
It is now possible to attack civilian fleets with a fleet that has no action points left
Tied the Force Truce tribute amount to game turn and dust inflation
Prevented contextual terms to be sent by the AI if it has not met the player
Now, if all players are in the same team and if the AI wins on the other side, player can see the Metaplot ending
Flaks have been modified, with their damage nerfed and range reviewed
Hero experience gain during battles is now shown in the Battle Report
Added priorities to diplomatic terms so they are displayed in a more intuitive order
"Authoritarian Leadership" when used as a starting skill now has a siege power bonus
Second part of the Metaplot quest do trigger if the quest fleets win the first part of "Isyander's Gambit"
Isyander's Gambit can now be completed if the quest fleets orbit around and then leave the majority of systems
Lowered default pirate difficulty
Slowed down Pirate spawn on a global scale
Slightly reduced Pirate Lair manpower on a global scale
Added missing Co-operative protocols for Sheredyn and Mezari
Increased Dust gained by scrapping ships and improvements and linked gained values to Dust inflation
Reworked war momentum formula to be more progressive (wars are not heavily influenced by early battles anymore)
Conquest Victory thresholds increased slightly on the 4 biggest map sizes based on Community feedback
Fixed Xenolinguistics being unavailable as a Starting Technology trait in Custom Factions with Sophon Visual affinity
Improved Pirate Lair Manpower distribution
Removed upkeep on Star System Level upgrades
Manpower defense on Ships is now capped at 95%
Increased "Moonbase Alpha" effect from +40 to +50 Dust
Vodyani Chapter 3 Rebellious objective has changed: “Maintain during X turns 2 non-religious or neutral laws” instead of “no Religious laws in the Senate during X turns”
Vodyani Chapter 4 Religious objective value has changed: Pressure Amount to reach is now computed depending on the current Pressure Amount
Lumeris Chapter 2 Part 1 Industrialist/Ecologist objective: Industry or Ecologist ideologies have to be part of the Leading political parties in the Senate
Lumeris Chapter 2 Part 2 Maintain Industrialist/Ecologist objective has changed: “Have X laws during X turns” instead of “reach a min amount of activated laws”
Missile lifetime has been capped to 30s in Space Battles
The United empire Chapter 2 Part 2 objective is now “Keep an amount of laws during X turns instead of reach a fix minimum”
Those Darn Kids: The first objective now gives an amount of buildings the player has to build instead of construction type limitations
Those Darn Kids: Instead of filling 2 hangars with ships, the player has to only fill 1 hangar
Founders Keepers: objective is now located in the middle of the Galaxy in order to make this quest easier to achieve
Pirate fleets now have a penalty in space battle against major empire AIs in difficulties above normal
Once controlled, the name of a constellation changes color to match that of its owner
Changed the “Marine Blue” empire color to improve visibility
Added safety check notification when the user deletes an entry from the Journal
Added Notification for the end of the metaplot
Added notification to inform your ally that they will lose the effects of Co-operative protocol when it is cancelled
Updated the character limit for renaming fleets
Updated “New contextual diplomatic term available” feedback
Updated text in battle report notification when war trend is maxed
Added a feedback in battle notifications when the war momentum trend is maxed out
Removed the notification that discovering a constellation was a prerequisite to take control of it
Clarified pressure sources values in their tooltip in diplomacy screen (added the numerical values)
User is now informed that a system with less than 100% ownership cannot be evacuated
User is now informed why they cannot place singularities on an enemy system when the "Remove Singularities" contextual term is in effect
Added feedback for effects happening after the metaplot has ended
Added a cap for the pressure trend feedback
Added the number of available probes in the exploration ship tooltip / Added the expedition power value in the fleet tooltip
Added tooltip explaining why a Singularity cannot be placed somewhere
Added icon to tooltips of damage gauges in the advanced battle report screen
Coordination Tool pings no longer remain on screen permanently if the user is zooming in or out in Galaxy View while a ping is placed
Changed the industry icon to a militarist icon for the first choice of the political Generation Gamma event
If the text exceeds the requests width, the player can hover the request to see the rest of the text
Swapped the Pirate and Minor Faction difficulty sliders in the New Game menu
Lobby bug has been fixed: sometimes players could not see friends multiplayer games
The Photobomber quest no longer fails if the ship of the Photobomber is merged the ship with another fleet
Fixed case of AI repairing ship right after selling it which caused an error
Fixed being able to send the "generate pressure" term in succession in some cases
Fixed being able to trade systems at war without signing a truce
Influence and Dust tooltips no longer display "missingGuiElement" debug text after "Stop Pacific conversion" contextual term is refused
Effect of the Co-operative protocol is now properly displayed in the "signed treaty" notification
Ship stats no longer overlap the ship tooltip box when the game is set to "Window" mode and 1920x1080 resolution
The Wonder notification no longer displays false information after you are refunded a wonder
Fixed an issue where changing the government did not apply the feedbacked costs
Upkeep now correctly increases when turning a fleet into privateers
Fixed an issue where, sometimes, the amount of CP and the number of ships used to unlock flotillas did not take into account all the ships involved in the battle
Ship modules can now be located inside the technology screen by searching for their titles
Fixed systems with only guardians sending free guardians to neighbours with "natural" migration
The research turn duration displayed in the empire panel is now properly updated based on the available science surplus
Description text in the planet scan view is no longer overlapping
Made star lanes highlight & usage more consistent when the selected fleet is in movement
Ship action panel can no longer be displayed in the Star system management screen
Fixed "natural" migration causing errors when system has no population
A fleet in "sleep" mode will now wake up if it can destroy a planet
Contextual terms that are cancelled (eg. context no longer valid or war declared) no longer have a cooldown
Fixed labels of planets/systems lost to Unfallen invasion displaying erroneous information
Fixed 2 issues on Contextual Diplomatic Exchange Cancellation:
"Done" button on the "Diplomatic Exchange Cancelled" notification now has correct behaviour
Both empires are now informed that a diplomatic exchange is canceled when the conditions of a contextual term are no longer met
Motherships can no longer detach from the system when it is frozen with a Riftborn singularity
Fixed fleets created on a system that is being blockaded not being able to move, but still showing more than 0 movement points
Fixed retreat not working after a fleet has been intercepted
"Preserve the Academy" quest markers are now correctly placed
"Remove outposts" colonization restriction range now depends on influence radius of each neighbouring system, instead of the same value for every system
Fixed minor faction trait not being removed after it has been granted through a "Development grants" action
Fleet actions are now properly updated in real time when a Stasis Singularity is canceled
Fixed the fact that the resources icon could go under the populations icons in the star system management view
The enemy is no longer incorrectly shown as destroyed after retreating
Fixed Probe launch interface not being closed when the fleet launching the probe is teleported out of empire influence via diplomacy
Fixed some contextual diplomatic terms being shown in GUI although they cannot be sent.
The "Destroy Planet" and "Colonize" buttons are now updated properly if the fleet is attacked while orbiting the system
Fixed sorting order of diplomatic terms in negotiation modal window
Narrative events with only political effects are now displayed correctly in the narrative screen
Functionality of the Coordination Tool visibility button is no longer inverted if the user performs any action that disables the Coordination Tool button while it is active
Coordination Tool no longer overlaps with the player bar buttons
The ping button is no longer highlighted if the players click another button like the Scan view button for example
The players can no longer place coordination requests if pings have been disabled
You cannot offer peace and alliance in the same contract anymore
The experience gained by admirals is no longer inconsistent with the value displayed in the combat notification
The fleet module effects are now only shown when hovering a ship in a fleet (not in the ship design edition panel)
Fixed and issue where The Confirmation message displayed when disabling all mods displays false information, informing the players that they are activating a mod
Fixed unfallen vines not decaying when captured by someone else
The tooltips are now shown correctly when hovering over dust and influence in the Change Government screen
Fixed Horatio splice bonuses being accumulated on systems & planets every time a system is captured
Fixed final Academy quest support fleets being able to spawn on lodestone systems
Fixed outposts being taken into account for constellation control in some cases
“Home planet” tooltip from Faction Selection now displays the correct effects
Fixed “Suggest Terms” button when evaluated terms are invalid (you can no longer spam it) and fixed “make offer” button being enabled even without enough influence
Fixed an issue where Retrofit button remains inactive if the user changes a ship design by double clicking it in the fleet panel
The Journal no longer display a score of 100 million for sessions which have disabled score victory
Multiple Constellation Control notifications should no longer be displayed if the user enters an Alliance after they establishes Constellation Control
Fixed issues with contextual diplomacy and Singularity placement.
It is no longer possible to open the Tech Screen by Ctrl+ Clicking on a Tech Hint if the Tech Screen is not accessible
Fixed an issue where the replay of space battles generated errors in MP and could lead to inconsistencies even when playing in single player
It is no longer possible to click on the button "Accept" in a negotiation which is not valid
Fixed projectile of "Basic Entropy Torpedoes" being smaller than "Basic Decay Torpedoes"
Fixed Reavers and Minor Factions not having their damage logged correctly in the Advanced Battle Report
"Authoritarian Leadership" now takes into account Manpower given by Ship Modules when applying its Manpower bonus
Game speed modifiers will now be properly applied to Hero related variables
Fixed the effects of Petrov Jutka's second starting skill not being displayed correctly in tooltips
Fixed an issue where Queued Techs that are discovered randomly through events/quests remain in queue
"Moonbase Alpha" effects will now properly apply on systems with moons
Fixed an issue where Empire Banner resources were not correctly rounded
Fixed an issue where ship XP was not correctly rounded
Fixed several issues related to Trade Company structures being destroyed/lost
Opening the "construction complete" notification after losing a system which had completed a construction this turn no longer causes an error
Made feedback more consistent for Pacifist default law
Fixed an issue where The Technology Influence buyout button displays background functionality in the Technology Screen when not having enough influence
Fixed an issue where Quest Empire did not have its inverted icon in battle notifications and advanced play/report screens
Fixed an issue where non Unfallen empires could enqueue the Guardian Harvest improvement any number of times without taking into account the number of Guardians in their system
Fixed the planet destruction cinematic
Ship designs that are automatically unlocked are now always at the first revision, instead of sometimes the 2nd
o When this happens with the starting ship designs (eg. starting with the technology for better engines than the starting ship), the starting ships are automatically retrofit for free.
Fixed interaction with slider options
Fixed war momentum value displayed in GUI not matching the actual gameplay value after a war was merged with another (via alliances)
Ship Health Regen now scales with Game Speed
Fixed the radii of influence circles not scaling with the Game Speed
Fixed Arks not receiving bonus experience from system improvements when they are built
Fixed an issue where false information displayed in reward of the "United Empire" objective of the "No Turning Back" UE quest when playing as a Custom Faction
Fixed exploit allowing Unfallen ships to move while they are entwining a system
Deposit values are properly displayed on uncolonized planets in non-normal game speed
Fixed "Development grants" effect appearing as still active during the turn after it ended
Due to a possible exploit with diplomatic counter offers to AI empires, these have been temporarily disabled
The AI no longer targets civilian ships first
Refined AI colonization heuristic
Raised offensive Military Power required for the AI to consider a fleet as dangerous
Refined war and truce declaration heuristics
Refactored fleet influence
Fixed an error when releasing AI too soon when the player is quitting
Corrected diplomatic demands evaluation
Corrected faction pact evaluation
AI now correctly pursues the “Dust to (More) Dust” & “An Ounce of Prevention” quests
AI handles leeching and Brainwashing better
AI will now sell resource overflow to market
AI now creates dedicated invasion fleets
Added new unused planet prefabs and materials, for modding purposes
It is now possible to add new visuals for planets, if the type is named PlanetTypeCustom01-20, or if it is unique with the name UniquePlanetCustom01-10
Materials can be exported via the Resource export tool
Multiple fixes and improvements based on community feedback
Due to recent modifications in the technology tree in order to accommodate the new content, players who had previously researched the "Unstable Isotope Machining" technology as the Unfallen Faction (or a custom faction using Unfallen population) will have to research it once more.