
1. 你能帮我把这个扔了吗?
Can you help me throw it? (×)
throw 这个词本身是表示“扔”这个动作,而不是扔掉的意思。比如:
Can you throw me that book?
如果表示扔掉,我们可以说:…throw something away. 比如:
I threw my old iPhone away because I'm getting an iPhone X.
我把旧手机扔了,因为我要买一个iPhone X.
除了throw away,我们还可以用dump something或者get rid of something来表示“扔掉”。所以表达“你能帮我把这个扔了吗?”我们可以这样说:
Can you dump this for me?
Can you throw this away for me?
Can you get rid of it for me?

2. 等一下,我得系下鞋带。
Hold up, I gotta tie my shoes up. (×)
hold on a second
one second
hang on a second
“hold up”的意思是“举起;支撑;耽搁”。而“系鞋带”可以用 “tie my shoes”或 “tie my shoes laces”。口语中一般用tie my shoes 就可以了。那么tie up 是什么意思呢?
Tie something up 表示把某物捆紧,比如:
Tie up the books so we can sell them altogether.
所以,正确表达“等一下,我得系下鞋带”我们可以这样说: Hold on a sec. I need to tie my shoes.

3. 我暂时没有工作。
I don't have work now. (×)
英语中有一个词组:between jobs. 这是个非常形象的表达,意思是处于两个工作之间的空档期,正在找工作或者有意愿继续工作。
比如: I'm between jobs right now. Still haven't found anything I want to do.
所以,正确表达“我暂时没有工作”我们可以说: I’m between jobs at the moment.
4. 你知道还要多久吗?
Do you know how long will it take? (×)
除了用do you know来表示“你知道”,还可以用any idea…?需要注意的是,这两个句子都包含名词性从句,这个从句应该用陈述句的语序。所以正确的表达是:
Any idea how much longer this is gonna take?
Do you know how long this is gonna take?

5. 我得顺便去趟药店。
I have to drop by to go to the drugstore. (×)
这句话哪里不对呢,这就犯了中式英语的错误,drop by后面可以直接跟地名,如:
Drop by a place
Stop by a place
Swing by a place
直接说,drop by the drugstore就可以了。那么这句话我们可以说:
I need to swing by the drugstore.
I've got to drop by the drugstore.
I gotta stop by the pharmacy.

6. 我也这么想。
I think so. (×)
“I think so”意思是我认为某事应该是真的,但又不是很确定,中文可以翻译成:我觉得是的,或者可能是吧。
A: Is she married?
B: I think so.
A: Is it a good idea?
B: I think so.
I had the same thought.
I thought the same thing.
That's what I was thinking too.
That's what I thought too.
That makes two of us.

1. 你能帮我把这个扔了吗?
Can you help me throw it? (×)
throw 这个词本身是表示“扔”这个动作,而不是扔掉的意思。比如:
Can you throw me that book?
如果表示扔掉,我们可以说:…throw something away. 比如:
I threw my old iPhone away because I'm getting an iPhone X.
我把旧手机扔了,因为我要买一个iPhone X.
除了throw away,我们还可以用dump something或者get rid of something来表示“扔掉”。所以表达“你能帮我把这个扔了吗?”我们可以这样说:
Can you dump this for me?
Can you throw this away for me?
Can you get rid of it for me?

2. 等一下,我得系下鞋带。
Hold up, I gotta tie my shoes up. (×)
hold on a second
one second
hang on a second
“hold up”的意思是“举起;支撑;耽搁”。而“系鞋带”可以用 “tie my shoes”或 “tie my shoes laces”。口语中一般用tie my shoes 就可以了。那么tie up 是什么意思呢?
Tie something up 表示把某物捆紧,比如:
Tie up the books so we can sell them altogether.
所以,正确表达“等一下,我得系下鞋带”我们可以这样说: Hold on a sec. I need to tie my shoes.

3. 我暂时没有工作。
I don't have work now. (×)
英语中有一个词组:between jobs. 这是个非常形象的表达,意思是处于两个工作之间的空档期,正在找工作或者有意愿继续工作。
比如: I'm between jobs right now. Still haven't found anything I want to do.
所以,正确表达“我暂时没有工作”我们可以说: I’m between jobs at the moment.
4. 你知道还要多久吗?
Do you know how long will it take? (×)
除了用do you know来表示“你知道”,还可以用any idea…?需要注意的是,这两个句子都包含名词性从句,这个从句应该用陈述句的语序。所以正确的表达是:
Any idea how much longer this is gonna take?
Do you know how long this is gonna take?

5. 我得顺便去趟药店。
I have to drop by to go to the drugstore. (×)
这句话哪里不对呢,这就犯了中式英语的错误,drop by后面可以直接跟地名,如:
Drop by a place
Stop by a place
Swing by a place
直接说,drop by the drugstore就可以了。那么这句话我们可以说:
I need to swing by the drugstore.
I've got to drop by the drugstore.
I gotta stop by the pharmacy.

6. 我也这么想。
I think so. (×)
“I think so”意思是我认为某事应该是真的,但又不是很确定,中文可以翻译成:我觉得是的,或者可能是吧。
A: Is she married?
B: I think so.
A: Is it a good idea?
B: I think so.
I had the same thought.
I thought the same thing.
That's what I was thinking too.
That's what I thought too.
That makes two of us.