SLC6A15 mRNA expression per rs1545843 genotype group measured in pre-mortem human hippocampus from individuals with temporal lobe epilepsy of European descent. (A) The MD risk genotype (AA) is associated with reduced full-length (FL, red boxes in part B) SLC6A15 mRNA expression levels compared to the non-risk genotypes (AG+GG). None of the other genes flanking the region of association with MD showed experiment-wide significant rs1545843 genotype-specific alterations in expression levels. SLC6A15 S: Short mRNA isoform of SLC6A15; (B) Box plot diagrams of FL (red) and S (blue) SLC6A15 mRNA expression levels in human hippocampus. On the x-axis the 3 genotype groups of rs1545843 are plotted against normalized SLC6A15 mRNA levels on the y-axis (group means: solid horizontal lines). Blue box-plots depict the expression levels of the short SLC6A15 isoform (S) and red plots expression levels of the full-length (FL) SLC6A15 transcript. For results of an analogues eQTL analysis in lymphoblastoid cell lines of HapMap individuals see supplemental fig. S3.