世态炎凉一依然吧 关注:21贴子:715
  • 9回复贴,共1



cat a.txt|grep -e '111'|wc -l

IP属地:黑龙江1楼2017-11-07 11:30回复
    管道是不是 pipe ?

    来自手机贴吧2楼2017-11-07 15:31
      那么问题来了, 管道 pipe的西班牙语怎么说?

      来自手机贴吧3楼2017-11-07 15:32
        Richard Stallman自由软件基金会之父... 但是西方国家,, 希腊罗马名字都很长.. “花拉子米”中文翻译故意缩短了名字,,, 全名 ::穆罕默德·本·穆萨·阿尔·花剌子模 . 自由软件基金会之父 Richard Mathew Stallman,, 好多人直接省去 Mathew .
        许多人直接把 CentOS RedHat 上面的命令称之为 “Linux 命令”,, 然而这个称谓错误.. Richard Mathew Stallman 带领全员研制的命令,, 竟然被你们称之为 “Linux 命令”.. 正确的称谓是 “GNU软件包” . https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Core_Utilities
        https://kernel.org Linux就是一个内核,, Kernel 连命令行都不包含.. 命令行都是由Richard Stallman这些开发者发布 . 那么问题来了, Kernel 包含哪些成分 ?? 驱动固件, 内核模块 KVM, 文件系统, watchdog .
        https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils 铁证如山,,命令行就是 GNU 开发的. cp ls less man cat . Linus Benedict Torvalds 真的没有参与命令行

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2017-11-08 09:59
          电视剧里的虚假成分很多 .. 吴承恩的原著,, 孙悟空远远不如电视剧中的俊俏美丽 , 肉在里面骨头在外.... 大闹天宫的时候孙悟空压根没有见到玉帝 ,,,在凌霄殿外就被一个神仙挡住。注意是一个哦,一个人就把他给挡住。这个人是谁呢?王灵官!

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2017-11-08 10:04

            来自iPhone客户端6楼2017-11-08 10:06

              来自手机贴吧7楼2017-11-08 17:04
                Linux, the kernel developed and distributed by Linus Torvalds et al, contains non-Free Software, i.e., software that does not respect your essential freedoms, and it induces you to install additional non-Free Software that it doesn't contain.
                GNU Linux-libre is a project to maintain and publish 100% Free distributions of Linux, suitable for use in Free System Distributions, removing software that is included without source code, with obfuscated or obscured source code, under non-Free Software licenses, that do not permit you to change the software so that it does what you wish, and that induces or requires you to install additional pieces of non-Free Software
                2017-11-12 - GNU Linux-libre 4.14-gnu: -ENOFIRMWARE
                Dropped deblobbing of the firmware subtree. Adjusted for the new request_firmware_into_buf interface. Deblobbed rtl8822be. Updated deblobbing of microcode, xrx200, amdgpu, irda-usb, skylake sound, netronome nfp, brcmfmac, iwlwifi, and rt5514.
                2017-11-11 - linux-libre-firmware
                Jason Self, of Freesh fame, put together a distribution of Free firmware for use with GNU Linux-libre: git repo and released tarballs.

                来自iPhone客户端8楼2017-11-15 19:56