姓:Family name,Surname 名:First Name,Given name 性别:sex,gender 男:male;女:female
国籍:nationality,country of citizenship 护照号:passport number 原住地:country of origin 前往国:destination country
登机城市:city where you boarded
签证签发地:city where visa was issued 签发日期:date of issue
出生日期:date of birth,birth date 年:year;月:month;日:day 偕行人数:accompanying number 签名:signature
官方填写:official use only 职业:occupation
护照:Passport;签证:Visa 登机、启程:Embarkation 登岸:Disembarkation 商务签证:Business Visa 观光签证:Tourist Visa 乘机常用词汇
航站、终点站:Terminal 入境大厅:Arrival Lobby 出境大厅:Departure Lobby 登机门号码:Gate Number
登机证:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass 机场税:Airport Tax
登机手续办理处:Check in Counter 海关申报处:Customs Service Area 货币申报:Currency Declaration 免税商品:Duty-Free Items
大号:large;中号:medium;小号:small 纪念品:Souvenir
托运的行李:Checked baggage 行李领取处:Baggage claim area 随身行李:Carry-on baggage 行李牌:Baggage Tag 行李推车:Luggage Cart 退税处:Tax-free refund
姓:Family name,Surname 名:First Name,Given name 性别:sex,gender 男:male;女:female
国籍:nationality,country of citizenship 护照号:passport number 原住地:country of origin 前往国:destination country
登机城市:city where you boarded
签证签发地:city where visa was issued 签发日期:date of issue
出生日期:date of birth,birth date 年:year;月:month;日:day 偕行人数:accompanying number 签名:signature
官方填写:official use only 职业:occupation
护照:Passport;签证:Visa 登机、启程:Embarkation 登岸:Disembarkation 商务签证:Business Visa 观光签证:Tourist Visa 乘机常用词汇
航站、终点站:Terminal 入境大厅:Arrival Lobby 出境大厅:Departure Lobby 登机门号码:Gate Number
登机证:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass 机场税:Airport Tax
登机手续办理处:Check in Counter 海关申报处:Customs Service Area 货币申报:Currency Declaration 免税商品:Duty-Free Items
大号:large;中号:medium;小号:small 纪念品:Souvenir
托运的行李:Checked baggage 行李领取处:Baggage claim area 随身行李:Carry-on baggage 行李牌:Baggage Tag 行李推车:Luggage Cart 退税处:Tax-free refund