My dear Geng
Are you busy?
Do you want a break?
Please come to St.Louis, MO,USA
I know you from here
I have tried to let all my friends to know you
I have tried to meet you in evey way
I have tried to find all your pictures and videos
I have tried to get all kinds of contacts with you
I have tried to get"green card" and go back to China, but this is the only thing I can't success
Each time I learned how to sew a pillow in FACS, make a leather bookmark in Idustrial Tech., paint a painting in art, I always want to save it and give it to you when I get back
Even though I'm a little selfish, but I really do want to see you
I am so sad and mad at myself that I didn't know you earllier. Just like an old Chinese saying "相见恨晚"
please come to St. Louis! Please!
Are you busy?
Do you want a break?
Please come to St.Louis, MO,USA
I know you from here
I have tried to let all my friends to know you
I have tried to meet you in evey way
I have tried to find all your pictures and videos
I have tried to get all kinds of contacts with you
I have tried to get"green card" and go back to China, but this is the only thing I can't success
Each time I learned how to sew a pillow in FACS, make a leather bookmark in Idustrial Tech., paint a painting in art, I always want to save it and give it to you when I get back
Even though I'm a little selfish, but I really do want to see you
I am so sad and mad at myself that I didn't know you earllier. Just like an old Chinese saying "相见恨晚"
please come to St. Louis! Please!