Hailing from Osaka and featuring ex-members of both 【denno:oblaat】 and DOREMIdan, THE.GOLDEN SPIDER have been building up a loyal fanbase in Japan since 2006. With their new single on the way and ambitions to tour overseas, Askew Magazine got to talk to THE.GOLDEN SPIDER's vocalist, Tomoro.
- Thank you for doing this interview. Please could you introduce yourself?
I'm the vocalist, Tomoro.
- How would you describe THE.GOLDEN SPIDER?
It's music that combines dark music and Japanese rock.
- How did you all meet, in the beginning?
I've known our bassist Koji and our drummer Suetugu for a long time, and someone I know introduced me to our guitarist Yasuhiro.
- You've all been in bands before. What are the main differences between THE.GOLDEN SPIDER and those bands?
The music we did before wasn't only dark; we were in more rock [sounding] bands too.
- Who are you influenced by?
The movie director Dario Argento.
- Are there any bands/artists you'd like to collaborate with?
I haven't really thought about it.
- Your new 'Dark Concept Maxi-Single', "Akuma Kouchiku Ron", is released in October. Could you explain the concept?
The concept CD we've made is like watching an old horror movie.
- Will it be different from "Kyogi Kioku"?
We spent about twice as long recording it. We effectively used more of a variety of sounds [on our new single].
- Do you prefer recording or performing live?
Lives are fun (laughs).
- What's your favourite THE.GOLDEN SPIDER song to play live and why?
"Becker Love". I can go completely crazy (laughs).
- Have there been any particularly memorable lives?
Our ex-guitarist, Kaz's, last live.
- Your live activities so far have been solely in Japan. Would you like to perform in other countries too?
Yes of course, we want to!
- What are your goals and dreams for the future?
Not just to be known in Japan, but to have people from various countries know us as well.
- Lastly, could you give a message to your fans please?
I can have fun, in various senses, (because of you), so I'll try my best in the future too.
- Thank you for doing this interview. Please could you introduce yourself?
I'm the vocalist, Tomoro.
- How would you describe THE.GOLDEN SPIDER?
It's music that combines dark music and Japanese rock.
- How did you all meet, in the beginning?
I've known our bassist Koji and our drummer Suetugu for a long time, and someone I know introduced me to our guitarist Yasuhiro.
- You've all been in bands before. What are the main differences between THE.GOLDEN SPIDER and those bands?
The music we did before wasn't only dark; we were in more rock [sounding] bands too.
- Who are you influenced by?
The movie director Dario Argento.
- Are there any bands/artists you'd like to collaborate with?
I haven't really thought about it.
- Your new 'Dark Concept Maxi-Single', "Akuma Kouchiku Ron", is released in October. Could you explain the concept?
The concept CD we've made is like watching an old horror movie.
- Will it be different from "Kyogi Kioku"?
We spent about twice as long recording it. We effectively used more of a variety of sounds [on our new single].
- Do you prefer recording or performing live?
Lives are fun (laughs).
- What's your favourite THE.GOLDEN SPIDER song to play live and why?
"Becker Love". I can go completely crazy (laughs).
- Have there been any particularly memorable lives?
Our ex-guitarist, Kaz's, last live.
- Your live activities so far have been solely in Japan. Would you like to perform in other countries too?
Yes of course, we want to!
- What are your goals and dreams for the future?
Not just to be known in Japan, but to have people from various countries know us as well.
- Lastly, could you give a message to your fans please?
I can have fun, in various senses, (because of you), so I'll try my best in the future too.