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Inceptor Certification Update - where we’re at
Dear Father.IO backers community,
thanks as usual for being part of this project. In the next lines we are going to inform you about how we are following up on the certifications process. We want to be as much open as possible with you, also given your recent requests.
As per certifications, we are happy to announcewe have finished all the tests for FCC and CE and we passed them all. Next step is finalizing the paperwork for FCC and CE. After some downtime of our Chinese manufacturer, due to the local National and Mid-Autumn holiday, work is now back in progress: we are actually flying back to the factory in Shenzhen next week. During the following weeks we should complete the latest QA steps on the Purchase Units and finally start with the pre-order production.
Regarding the First Person Shooter app, we have a great news for you all: thisFPS app will be an exclusive release that only Indiegogo backerswill have access to. It will be reserved for Indiegogo backers and only upon invite. You will be the first ones to have this unbelievable AR experience. So guys, congratulations - this is not going to happen again!
Inceptors will then be available for sale around Christmas time in selected retail chains in Europe, so get ready to find a lot of new friends around your cities!
Finally, in the very next days (Oct 14th and 15th), just before travelling to China, we will also be at the RTX in London (the two-day gaming and internet culture event). If you are around, don’t hesitate to pass by, you are all invited to visit us and try the FPS in person - before everybody else!
The Father.IO Team

IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2017-10-20 12:01回复
    亲爱的父亲。 IO支持者社区,
    谢谢你像往常一样成为这个项目的一部分。 在下一行我们要告诉你关于我们跟进认证过程。 我们想要与你尽可能多的开放,也给你最近的请求。
    根据认证,我们很高兴announcewe已经完成了所有的测试对FCC和CE,我们通过了。 下一步是确定FCC和CE的文书工作。 经过一些停机时间的中国制造商,由于当地国家和中秋假期,现在回到工作进展:我们下周在深圳飞回工厂。 在接下来的几周我们应该完成最新的QA步骤购买单位,最后从预售开始生产。
    关于第一人称射击游戏应用程序,我们有一个伟大的消息要告诉你:thisFPS应用将独家发布,只有Indiegogo backerswill有访问权。 这将是留给Indiegogo支持者,只邀请。 你将第一个有这种难以置信的基于“增大化现实”技术的经验。 所以伙计们,恭喜你——这是不会发生了!
    最后,在第二天(10月14日和15日),就前往中国之前,我们还将在伦敦RTX(为期两天的游戏和互联网文化活动)。 如果你在,不要犹豫地路过,你们都邀请来访问我们,FPS人之前,其他人!
    父亲。 IO团队

    IP属地:江苏2楼2017-10-20 18:36

      IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-10-22 09:16

        IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端4楼2017-10-23 07:56