TT 为什么一直发不了。。。。。 这个是其中一位亲发电邮去问事情的真实性。。。。然后得到的回复。。 We, RedStar company have agreed to organize the concert with Marctensia and we'll be doing the proposal when i fly to Kuala Lumpur (from Australia) next week and?we are in contact with DreamMaker (of course also they are liaising with Sm Ent) for the concert. Petition purpose is only to get support and in order to make it happen, the only thing you have to do is send email in to us so that we can reach the targeted number. We also have few plans in store, example: possible launching of official?overseas?fan-club. Thanks!
= = We, RedStar company have agreed to organize the concert with Marctensia and we'll be doing the proposal when i fly to Kuala Lumpur (from Australia) next week and?we are in contact with DreamMaker (of course also they are liaising with Sm Ent) for the concert. Petition purpose is only to get support and in order to make it happen, the only thing you have to do is send email in to us so that we can reach the targeted number. We also have few plans in store, example: possible launching of official?overseas?fan-club. Thanks!
red star 是什么我也不是很清楚。。。。。= = 不过只要可以让神起来马来西亚。。。我管他是什么都拼了。。。。= = 没要缴$的就好了。。。。。。。 可是大家还是当心啊。。。很多人都会乘火打劫的。。我没说这个集团啦。。。。。。 FTI。。。。= = MS 最后一次韩国歌手来马的就只有wuli家的男人了。。。。TT