直接看 操作流程:
1. Buyer issues an OfficialICPO with full Buyer banking details & Buyer company registrationcertificate and the buyer's passport.
2. Sellerissues commercial invoice to Buyer. Buyer signs and return the CI and Draft Contract to Seller. Simultaneously, theBuyer / Seller signs a commission agreement with the participants of thetransaction and assures them in pay-paying banks. This agreement is an integralpart of the Contract.
3. Sellernotaries the CI and assigns shipping company, Buyer and Shipping Company signsCPA.
4.Buyerreturns the signed CPA to seller. Seller sends product documents to theshipping company and makes necessary arrangements for loading the product.Shipping company issues Full POP Documents to the Buyer with 100% Insurancepolicy for first month shipment value:
a. Copy of license toexport, issued by the department of the Ministry of Energy, Russian Federation.
b. Copy of Approval toExport, issued by the Ministry of Justice, Russian Federation. c. Copy ofstatement of availability of the product.
d. Copyof the refinery commitment to produce the product.
e. Copy of Transnet contractto transport the product to the loading port. f. Copy of Vessel Questionnaire88.
g.Copy of Bill of Lading.
h. SGSReport at loading port.
i.Attestation of Allocation certificate endorsed by Ministry of Energy.
5. Shipmentcommences as per signed contract delivery schedule and the shipment shouldarrive at Buyer’s discharge port within 10- 20 days. The SGS inspection will beborne by the Seller at the loading seaport and Buyer at the unloading seaport.
6. Upon arrival of the productat discharge port, Seller issues DTA/SGS to Buyer, Buyer conducts dip test onthe product and pays for the total sum of goods via MT103/TT.
7. Seller issues certificate ofownership to Buyer.
8. Buyer/Seller payscommission to seller side intermediaries and Buyer side intermediaries involvedin the transaction
9. Buyer/Seller pays the commission to the intermediaries inAccordance with clause 8. in accordance with the IMFPA+ NCNDA which is an integral part of thе contract.
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