最近学习热情高涨,想好好练练英语口语, 与一个美国洛杉矶的朋友建了一个英语学习交流群 Simulated classroom. 【两个大男人整天私聊总感觉怪怪的】
如果你有兴趣加入,请阅读以下群公告seriously,如无异议,可以加我微信terryqiangood【验证信息:QHDX】,我拉你入群,一起 good good study day day up ! 另外,请阅读最下方的老师简介,不要再在群里问重复的问题啦!
Group Rules:
1. Respect our teacher . When he has questions for us,please respond actively . When he points out our mistakes , please be modest .When he assigns a lesson, Please make an effort.尊重我们的老师。当他问问题时,请积极回应。当他指出我们的错误时,请虚心接受。当他教我们时,请付诸努力。
2.The only cost for this group is your participation. Every two weeks , we'll find out the most inactive members ,and he/she should send the group a red packet ( 5 yuan or above, departed into 10 parts or above) at 11:58 am on Saturday. 这个模拟教室唯一需要你付出的就是"参与"。每隔两周,发言最不积极的同学们将被要求在周六上午11:58向群里发一个红包(5元以上,分成10份或以上)。
3. No ads. No political and religious extremism. When discussing , please be in a positive light or neutral.勿发广告。勿发表极端政治、宗教言论。讨论问题时请保持积极和中立的态度。
4.Please talk in English. Chinese is allowed when necessary . Something that is posted should have some English so that we can start a conversation.请用英语交谈,必要时可用汉语解释。发送到群里的链接或图片等,需要有相关英文描述或表达,以便大家参与讨论。
5.Please change your group name to your English name or your Chinese name in Pinyin.请将你的群昵称修改为英文名或汉语拼音【老师不懂中文】。
6.Please ask for permission before inviting another person. Be responsible for that person's behavior. 邀请别人入群前请先与群主确认,并确保受邀者和你一样有良好的言行。
Our teacher's self-introduction ( I thought it better to write everything once instead of answering the same questions over and over):
I'm B** . I was born in a southern state called Louisiana. For the first part of my life I lived in a very small town. When I was young, my mother relocated the family to Los Angeles California. Outside of America I have only been to Mexico. I have been to Puerto Rico but that's considered an American territory. I have been either teaching or tutoring most of my adult life in a couple of subjects. (Music and History). Only for the last few years since learning about Wechat have I had a chance to teach English. I've always loved it. It's a never ending enigma.Teaching English has also given me the opportunity to meet some amazing friends and learn so much about what I knew very little about just a few years ago. I appreciate everyone allowing me to be your teacher and I look forward to your improving futures.
最近学习热情高涨,想好好练练英语口语, 与一个美国洛杉矶的朋友建了一个英语学习交流群 Simulated classroom. 【两个大男人整天私聊总感觉怪怪的】
如果你有兴趣加入,请阅读以下群公告seriously,如无异议,可以加我微信terryqiangood【验证信息:QHDX】,我拉你入群,一起 good good study day day up ! 另外,请阅读最下方的老师简介,不要再在群里问重复的问题啦!
Group Rules:
1. Respect our teacher . When he has questions for us,please respond actively . When he points out our mistakes , please be modest .When he assigns a lesson, Please make an effort.尊重我们的老师。当他问问题时,请积极回应。当他指出我们的错误时,请虚心接受。当他教我们时,请付诸努力。
2.The only cost for this group is your participation. Every two weeks , we'll find out the most inactive members ,and he/she should send the group a red packet ( 5 yuan or above, departed into 10 parts or above) at 11:58 am on Saturday. 这个模拟教室唯一需要你付出的就是"参与"。每隔两周,发言最不积极的同学们将被要求在周六上午11:58向群里发一个红包(5元以上,分成10份或以上)。
3. No ads. No political and religious extremism. When discussing , please be in a positive light or neutral.勿发广告。勿发表极端政治、宗教言论。讨论问题时请保持积极和中立的态度。
4.Please talk in English. Chinese is allowed when necessary . Something that is posted should have some English so that we can start a conversation.请用英语交谈,必要时可用汉语解释。发送到群里的链接或图片等,需要有相关英文描述或表达,以便大家参与讨论。
5.Please change your group name to your English name or your Chinese name in Pinyin.请将你的群昵称修改为英文名或汉语拼音【老师不懂中文】。
6.Please ask for permission before inviting another person. Be responsible for that person's behavior. 邀请别人入群前请先与群主确认,并确保受邀者和你一样有良好的言行。
Our teacher's self-introduction ( I thought it better to write everything once instead of answering the same questions over and over):
I'm B** . I was born in a southern state called Louisiana. For the first part of my life I lived in a very small town. When I was young, my mother relocated the family to Los Angeles California. Outside of America I have only been to Mexico. I have been to Puerto Rico but that's considered an American territory. I have been either teaching or tutoring most of my adult life in a couple of subjects. (Music and History). Only for the last few years since learning about Wechat have I had a chance to teach English. I've always loved it. It's a never ending enigma.Teaching English has also given me the opportunity to meet some amazing friends and learn so much about what I knew very little about just a few years ago. I appreciate everyone allowing me to be your teacher and I look forward to your improving futures.