ODIN fla****le devices BASIC INSTRUCTIONS All downloads contain.tar.md5files fla****le in ODIN as PDA. Make sure your device is in ODIN download mode (usually you can get there by holding VolDown+Home+Power when the device is turned off), then start the includedOdin3-v1.85.exefile, press the PDA button, select the.tar.md5file, and clickStart. You can find more detailed instructions and assistance at XDA. A modified recovery and cache partition will be flashed, which will install (only)SuperSU, thenclean-up the cache partition and re-flash the stock recovery. For the root to work, the device must reboot into recovery. Most devices will do this automatically after flashing these files, but in case that does not happen, please boot into recovery manually. UNLOCK BOOTLOADERS If you have locked bootloaders, flashing one of these will probably brick your device - with the exception of Nexus devices, which willusuallyautomatically "OEM unlock" andwipe your data ! --来自安卓9.0 定制版百度贴吧客户端