请教一下楼主,在做NFC天线匹配电路仿真时,报错NFC_next_Match (D:/HFSS_project/) HFSSDesign1 (DrivenTerminal) [error] Could not produce correct mesh on these bodies: (Port) . Please use tools to clean them up. (3:37:08 下午 3月 28, 2018) [error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (3:37:08 下午 3月 28, 2018) 在做设计检查时,也没有报错啊,但是一仿真就报上述的错,很着急啊!!! 求楼主大神帮忙看一下。谢谢大神,已经申请加你的QQ了,希望大神能加个好友哈
请教一下楼主,hfss13仿真时出现错误 [error] Unable to locate or start COM engine on 'Local Machine' : no response from COM engine, timed out. 怎么办啊 之前仿真都没问题 今天突然成这样,我拿之前设计好的仿真也是这个错误,求救😭😭