1、Ryan一慈善活动售卖物品有WWE Mike The Miz&Maryse Ouellet的和艾薇儿的签名Abbey Dawn/Here's To Never Growing Up写真&The Best Damn Thing/同名专辑,晒v家泳池派对(v的手和杯),"最近喜欢摄影,特别是给这个美人"🐢
3、Kash Hovey晒黑莓手机拍的旧合影"期待AL6"
4、OutKast Big Boi发布新专辑Boomiverse,透露v听了几首(不清楚是否最终收录发行的曲目)盛赞很棒,据他说俩人共用一个经纪人manager‘Also, Avril Lavigne is apparently a fan of the project – according to Big Boi they share a manager, and Lavigne heard a few songs and christened them bangers. http://www.highsnobiety.com/2017/04/25/big-boi-boomiverse’,v几次翻唱经典热单Hey Ya!,Shake it,shake it like a Polaroid Picture,shake it,shake it摇摆吧,像张宝丽来照片,摇摆吧http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/14247
5、鼓手Rodney Howard采访谈到v
6、Bonnie McKee'和艾薇儿写作很棒,她一开唱声音太iconic了,我爱她!我们在迈阿密创作了一首酷的但之后我没再听过。艾薇儿很甜也爱玩闹,特能唱,有很好的主意。我觉得她是个真娃娃!也是超级baby。'她是v超级粉丝,赞v酷且聪明有天赋,2011年合作过但作品被弃之后相互宣传新作http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2344874
7、Michelle Branch重看Everywhere MV反应"也许我该重新平板烫头发,那时所有女孩像艾薇儿和我,都留笔直发型,会流行回来吗?"蜜雪儿15年发过这组合影http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2873344
8、Wilmer Valderrama"艾薇儿是我永远的好友之一。她住在LA所以我常跟她玩。"http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2914256 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4921133292
9、Paramore Hayley Williams"如果艾薇儿没出现,我不认为我会得到签约。突如其来我得以在纽约表演给LA Reid看。"Fader杂志"Paramore早期在教堂青年团活动等地表演,Hayley写录自己小样推销给各公司,当时艾薇儿刚突破成功,激起业界寻找替代布兰妮和克里斯蒂娜的朋克歌手的胃口。The band, was formed and began playing shows at places like church youth group events, but Hayley was also writing and recording her own demos and shopping them around to labels. Avril Lavigne had recently broken through, whetting the industry’s appetite for punky alternatives to Britney and Christina. “I don’t think I would’ve been signed if Avril hadn’t happened,” she says. “All of a sudden I was in New York playing to LA Reid.”"http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5096503096
10、Palehound Ellen Kempner采访回答去的第一场演唱会&自己钱买的第一支歌是v的
“What was the first gig you ever went to?
Avril Lavigne with Simple Plan opening the show when I was in third grade. I went with my dad and wore my camo t-shirt, there are pictures of me holding up peace signs and screaming. I wore my tour shirt for two weeks straight afterwards.
First song you ever bought with your own money, and why?
I didn’t start buying my own music until I was 10 because up until then I just listened to what my dad liked. I guess the first CD I owned was Britney Spears but I don’t think I paid for it, it was a gift. I can’t remember exactly but if I had to guess I would say it was probably ‘Let Go’ by Avril Lavigne. That album completely changed my life in every single way.
艾薇儿有Simple Plan开唱的演出,我三年级时。我跟我爸去的,穿着迷彩T,有张我示意和平尖叫的照片。后来我巡演T直接穿了两周。我记不清了但我猜是Let Go,这张专辑从每个方面彻底改变了我的人生。”
11、Manu Gavassi新专辑灵感源于Riri和v“Com pegada mais sensual e pop, diferente dos álbuns Manu Gavassi e Clichê de adolescente, o disco foi inspirado em Rihanna e Avril Lavigne.”
12、Vic Mensa ft Mr Hudson新歌Almost There歌词唱到"我仍是滑板男孩 像艾薇儿一样疯狂I'm still a skater boy,I'm flippin' out like Avril Lavigne"http://music.163.com/#/song?id=483200717
13、PENTAGON梁洪硕HongSeok翻唱Sk8er Boihttp://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2914262
14、Kelly Osbourne http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5246476678
15、MNEK(翻唱Losing Grip)、DJ-PAZ、Josie Canseco、Debra Danielsen等歌手dj演员模特媒体人油管主
3、Kash Hovey晒黑莓手机拍的旧合影"期待AL6"
4、OutKast Big Boi发布新专辑Boomiverse,透露v听了几首(不清楚是否最终收录发行的曲目)盛赞很棒,据他说俩人共用一个经纪人manager‘Also, Avril Lavigne is apparently a fan of the project – according to Big Boi they share a manager, and Lavigne heard a few songs and christened them bangers. http://www.highsnobiety.com/2017/04/25/big-boi-boomiverse’,v几次翻唱经典热单Hey Ya!,Shake it,shake it like a Polaroid Picture,shake it,shake it摇摆吧,像张宝丽来照片,摇摆吧http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/14247
5、鼓手Rodney Howard采访谈到v
6、Bonnie McKee'和艾薇儿写作很棒,她一开唱声音太iconic了,我爱她!我们在迈阿密创作了一首酷的但之后我没再听过。艾薇儿很甜也爱玩闹,特能唱,有很好的主意。我觉得她是个真娃娃!也是超级baby。'她是v超级粉丝,赞v酷且聪明有天赋,2011年合作过但作品被弃之后相互宣传新作http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2344874
7、Michelle Branch重看Everywhere MV反应"也许我该重新平板烫头发,那时所有女孩像艾薇儿和我,都留笔直发型,会流行回来吗?"蜜雪儿15年发过这组合影http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2873344
8、Wilmer Valderrama"艾薇儿是我永远的好友之一。她住在LA所以我常跟她玩。"http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2914256 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4921133292
9、Paramore Hayley Williams"如果艾薇儿没出现,我不认为我会得到签约。突如其来我得以在纽约表演给LA Reid看。"Fader杂志"Paramore早期在教堂青年团活动等地表演,Hayley写录自己小样推销给各公司,当时艾薇儿刚突破成功,激起业界寻找替代布兰妮和克里斯蒂娜的朋克歌手的胃口。The band, was formed and began playing shows at places like church youth group events, but Hayley was also writing and recording her own demos and shopping them around to labels. Avril Lavigne had recently broken through, whetting the industry’s appetite for punky alternatives to Britney and Christina. “I don’t think I would’ve been signed if Avril hadn’t happened,” she says. “All of a sudden I was in New York playing to LA Reid.”"http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5096503096
10、Palehound Ellen Kempner采访回答去的第一场演唱会&自己钱买的第一支歌是v的
“What was the first gig you ever went to?
Avril Lavigne with Simple Plan opening the show when I was in third grade. I went with my dad and wore my camo t-shirt, there are pictures of me holding up peace signs and screaming. I wore my tour shirt for two weeks straight afterwards.
First song you ever bought with your own money, and why?
I didn’t start buying my own music until I was 10 because up until then I just listened to what my dad liked. I guess the first CD I owned was Britney Spears but I don’t think I paid for it, it was a gift. I can’t remember exactly but if I had to guess I would say it was probably ‘Let Go’ by Avril Lavigne. That album completely changed my life in every single way.
艾薇儿有Simple Plan开唱的演出,我三年级时。我跟我爸去的,穿着迷彩T,有张我示意和平尖叫的照片。后来我巡演T直接穿了两周。我记不清了但我猜是Let Go,这张专辑从每个方面彻底改变了我的人生。”
11、Manu Gavassi新专辑灵感源于Riri和v“Com pegada mais sensual e pop, diferente dos álbuns Manu Gavassi e Clichê de adolescente, o disco foi inspirado em Rihanna e Avril Lavigne.”
12、Vic Mensa ft Mr Hudson新歌Almost There歌词唱到"我仍是滑板男孩 像艾薇儿一样疯狂I'm still a skater boy,I'm flippin' out like Avril Lavigne"http://music.163.com/#/song?id=483200717
13、PENTAGON梁洪硕HongSeok翻唱Sk8er Boihttp://v.yinyuetai.com/video/2914262
14、Kelly Osbourne http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5246476678
15、MNEK(翻唱Losing Grip)、DJ-PAZ、Josie Canseco、Debra Danielsen等歌手dj演员模特媒体人油管主