Kyo is a French rock band.
Since attending collège in Yvelines, the two brothers, Fabien and Florian Dubos, and two friends Nicolas Chassagne and Benoît Poher, discovered they had the same passion for bands such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Rage Against the Machine and Soundgarden. In 1997, they met their manager, who convinced them of their potential, and obtained a contract with Sony for the group. They have since released three albums and one DVD entitled Kyosphere. After the recent success of their album Le Chemin selling 1.5 million copies, the group went to a house in Brittany, where they worked on their new album 300 Lésions which went Gold in 4 days with sales reaching upwards of 500,000 copies. "Le Chemin" was used as the ending of the second episode of the anime OVA Strait Jacket.
Benoît Poher - vocals
Florian Dubos - Guitar / Backing Vocals
Nicolas Chassagne - Guitar
Fabien Dubos - drums
Kyo is very concerned about how humanity is going towards its own destruction and they also give their own experiences in the search for the Truth. In some songs they even give the solution, artistically encoded, but clear for fans to realize. Their song Kyosphère summarizes their ideologies and purpose. Lyrics:
Faire partie du fleuve, ne pas sortir du rang
Puis courber nos corps portés pas le courant
L'infini nous dépasse comme des fétus de paille
Nos âmes flottent sans jamais s'élever
Regarde, qui oserait s'opposer à la soumission
Sans avoir conscience qu'on a tous le don
Ne serait-ce qu'une seconde, d'apercevoir les ondes
Les tracés de nos vies qui nous inondent
Refrain :
Tu dois fermer les yeux
Faire le vide dans ta tete
Garder le silence
Et entrer dans la kyosphère
Communier nos âmes,communier nos corps
Retrouver la faille en liant nos efforts
Les rituels nous éloignent lentement du message
L'image qu'ils insèrent a dévié nos regards
Qui oserait espérer garder le contrôle
Sans avoir conscience qu'on a tous un rôle a jouer dans l'équilibre
Un battement de cil, pourrait briser le cercle pour de bon
Refrain (x2)
This song tries to make the listener aware that he is only following the current, the river of life without questioning reality at any point. They say however that we are all able to comprehend the complex structure of the lie we are all living by understanding the Truth. The Truth, they say, is for everybody to see (or to listen, as they constantly use the word son (sound in French) or ondes (sound-waves)) by following the simple steps that he gives in the chorus (refrain): close your eyes, empty your mind, keep silence and enter in what he calls ma kyosphère.