Michael Fas**ender can get down!
he Alien: Ressurection starwas on the U.K.'s Graham Norton Show recently,where he opened up about his 1980s "break dance phase," promptingJessica Chastain, who was also a guest, to cleverly get the 40-year-old actorto bust a move.
"What is break dance? Do you think youcould show me?" Chastain responded, clearly goading the audience intoencouraging Fas**ender onto his feet.
話說fassy 上诺顿秀宣傳新異形电影, 提起自己在80年代有过一段霹雳舞時期. 勞模姐即時表示"不知什麼是霹雳舞, 可以表演一下嗎?"
he Alien: Ressurection starwas on the U.K.'s Graham Norton Show recently,where he opened up about his 1980s "break dance phase," promptingJessica Chastain, who was also a guest, to cleverly get the 40-year-old actorto bust a move.
"What is break dance? Do you think youcould show me?" Chastain responded, clearly goading the audience intoencouraging Fas**ender onto his feet.
話說fassy 上诺顿秀宣傳新異形电影, 提起自己在80年代有过一段霹雳舞時期. 勞模姐即時表示"不知什麼是霹雳舞, 可以表演一下嗎?"