You say you want the truth,你曾说你渴望真实,But you can't take it,但你无法承受真实的残酷,So I give you lies,因此我给你谎言,I give you lies,用谎言将你温柔包裹,You say you want the best,你曾说你渴望世间至上之物,But you destroy it,但你将它们破坏殆尽,So I keep it inside,因此我只得将它们深藏,I keep it inside,不见天日,I tell you something,让我来告诉你吧,It's a double-edged sword you're giving,你给我的是一柄双刃剑,And I can't see the truth in living,我看不清生命的真谛,When we hide with a wall of fear,我们各自藏匿在名为恐惧的墙壁之后,And you don't see it,你不会知晓,It's a twisted dream you believe in,你所坚信的不过是场扭曲的幻梦,And what's the use in pretending?自欺欺人又有何用,Let's make the smoke and mirrors disappear,让我们将这些云烟缭绕魔幻面纱摘去,So there I said it,我只能说,And I won't apologize to you anymore,我不会再对你道歉了,And I won't live again,我的人生只有一次,And I'm sick and tired of living in your shadows,我已厌倦了在你的阴影下生活