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我没听过don McLean的音乐


查buddy holly查到他.看百度百科,似乎很显赫
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American Pie [United Artists, 1971] C-
Don McLean [United Artists, 1972] C-
Consumer Guide Reviews:American Pie [United Artists, 1971]
The title cut is the great novelty song that may be about the death of rock and roll or may be about its refusal to die. The other material here indicates that McLean himself believes the former, but since it also indicates that he couldn't have composed "American Pie"--he just took dictation from the shade of Buddy Holly, who must be taking some pretty strong drugs up there to make such a mistake--you might as well judge for yourself. And do so like a real novelty-lover, by buying the single--unless you're in the market for a song about how nobody understood Van Gogh. C-
Don McLean [United Artists, 1972]
More dreck from your unfriendly doomsaying hitmaker. Question: Why does he say "I feel like a spinnin' top or a dreidel" without explaining how a dreidel differs from a spinning top? Point of information: McLean's pubbery is called Yaweh Tunes, Inc. Point of order: No one who has sailed with Pete Seeger should put this much production into an album. C-

1楼2017-04-30 14:36回复