
Brain in a Jar Brainy Gourmet Trick ? Received from Zombology Teacher
罐头脑子: 美食,锦囊
来自僵尸学老师 (能力未写清楚,但是貌似是用了以后锦囊阶段+2~3脑子)

Brain Silo Brainy Environment 2 When a Zombie is played here, gain +3 Brains.
脑子仓库 环境 2费

Cosmic Scientist Brainy Science Zombie 2 1/3 Bullseye When played: Add a random Science card to your hand.
宇宙科学家 科学 2费 1/3 必中

Cryo Brain Brainy Gourmet Trick 2 Gain +1 Brain for the rest of the game.
冷藏脑子: 美食锦囊 2费
永久+1脑子 (类似耀斑大招,不过你可以带4个,跳费)

Neutron Imp Brainy Imp Science Zombie 4 4/4 When played on an Environment: This does bonus attack.
中子小鬼 小鬼,科学 4费 4/4

Raptor Grounds Brainy Environment 3 When a Zombie enters this lane, it does a Bonus Attack.
猛禽地: 环境 3费

Replicator Zombie Brainy Science Zombie 1 1/3 When a Zombie is played next door, this one transforms into a random Zombie that costs 2 or 3.
复制僵尸 (注意数据和图中大大不同)
科学 1费 1/3
僵尸在隔壁打出时会变身随机2费或者3费以上 (要你配合便宜的僵尸比如手机就是完美搭配,还可以摸卡)

Space Explorer Brainy Science Zombie 3 2/2 When played on Heights or Environments: Gain +2💚/+2❤️.
太空探索员: 科学 3费 2/2,
在环境或者高低打出时 +2/2

Teleportation Zombie Brainy Science Zombie 2 2/3 Zombies can be played during the Trick phase.
传送僵尸: 2费2/3,僵尸可以在锦囊阶段打出 (what the freak??!!!这玩个屁,传送还不够恶心??!!)

Transformation Lab Brainy Science Environment 2 Start of Turn: A Zombie here transforms into a random one that costs 1 more.
变形实验室: 科学 环境