喜欢himym,就像Ted喜欢star wars,一定要找一个同样喜欢的女生作为The one
Look, Stella, that is Ted’s favorite movie of
all time. He watches it when he’s home, sick with the flu. He watches it on rainy Sunday afternoons in the fall. He watches it on Christmas Eve. Ted watches Star Wars in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad.
当然,把Ted对star wars的热爱换成我对himym的就对了!
Look, Stella, that is Ted’s favorite movie of
all time. He watches it when he’s home, sick with the flu. He watches it on rainy Sunday afternoons in the fall. He watches it on Christmas Eve. Ted watches Star Wars in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad.
当然,把Ted对star wars的热爱换成我对himym的就对了!