Cobalt 90% Tungsten:
Toachieve Cobalt’s elegance, the finest 90% tungsten goes through a 6-stageprocess. The front of the dart isturned using our new Japanese CNC machinery. It is then treated with a tough,blue titanium nitride coating & re-machined to leave a stunning, dual-functiongrip. The back then undergoes the same process with the final cut producingforward & reverse grip protrusions. The finished darts are match weighed to+/- 0.05 grams & teamed with Supergrip Fusion shafts & Retina flights.
我们采用最好的90%钨并经过六个阶段的工艺精心打造,使Cobalt90%钨钢飞镖显得无比精致。飞镖的前端部位我们使用了日本最新的数控设备进行铣削,再用坚硬的蓝色氮化钛涂层,通过再加工产生惊人的双重抓握力。飞镖后端部分也经过同样的工序,最终打造出具有前向和反向抓握力镖身。Cobalt90%钨钢飞镖成品匹配的重量差+/-0.5克,配有Supergrip Fusion镖杆和Retina镖翼。

Cobalt 90% Tungsten:
Toachieve Cobalt’s elegance, the finest 90% tungsten goes through a 6-stageprocess. The front of the dart isturned using our new Japanese CNC machinery. It is then treated with a tough,blue titanium nitride coating & re-machined to leave a stunning, dual-functiongrip. The back then undergoes the same process with the final cut producingforward & reverse grip protrusions. The finished darts are match weighed to+/- 0.05 grams & teamed with Supergrip Fusion shafts & Retina flights.
我们采用最好的90%钨并经过六个阶段的工艺精心打造,使Cobalt90%钨钢飞镖显得无比精致。飞镖的前端部位我们使用了日本最新的数控设备进行铣削,再用坚硬的蓝色氮化钛涂层,通过再加工产生惊人的双重抓握力。飞镖后端部分也经过同样的工序,最终打造出具有前向和反向抓握力镖身。Cobalt90%钨钢飞镖成品匹配的重量差+/-0.5克,配有Supergrip Fusion镖杆和Retina镖翼。