In loving memory of Leonard Nimoy He is an alien in the movie He is a photographer in the life He is a father in his family He also was the greatest actor in the world We called him Spock He is Leonard Nimoy As a person He was working for equality As an actor His part encourage thousands of man and woman become scientists. Spock like a religion as many scientists believed. But his life like a meteortie streak across the sky He dead of disease However ,I didn't believe it He did not gone,but waiting for tomorrow Live long and prosper
2月26日(本周日)晚七点在华中师范大学十号楼报告厅举办For the love of Spock纪录片放映活动,纪念Leonard Nimoy先生。 欢迎所有ST粉,科幻粉,和对星际迷航感兴趣的旁友前来参加。 LLAP 有问题可以私戳(QQ:475336264)咨询。 这是在st微信群里头,一个姐姐(瓦肯蔬菜汤)在武汉的纪念活动,顺便po一下
解释一下我诗里头的一些事情: 1、equality 尼莫伊爷爷作为一名摄影师时曾拍过一个系列关于女性歧视,所以我就使用了这一单词,虽然不能很好的概括,但主要为了押韵 2、他没有离去,他只是去了未来。这不是我说的,是1又一次在b站上有人剪spock的故事,结尾的字幕,只是讲的真是太好了,所以经常使用。 3、我英语不是很好,所以诗若是不符合语法或规范请海涵,毕竟我是为了纪念爷爷。 Live long and prosper