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新手向 哪个角色该刷 哪个不该刷 老手轻拍 国外搬运~


新手向 老手随意 批评请轻拍 我只是信息的搬运工
farm是刷 不逐句翻译了,想看建议的直接跳转到最后
Here comes
A small FAQ for beginners.
It reflects the position of the majority of top players
If there is "don't farm" it doesn't mean that a char is bad. It only means that considering lack of resources it's better to farm other chars for beginners.
check http://www.swgoh.gg for more information about chars
right now there are very few recommendations on pilots, just information that someone is a pilot\fleetcommander
not native speaker, sorry for grammar
!!!The chars inside the fractions are ranked from top ones to useless ones!!!

IP属地:广东1楼2017-02-17 22:06回复
    Rebels – very strong 反抗军 真尼玛强
    * Wedge Antilles (伟奇-红队长 双飞的那个) - farm, pilot, one of the strongest chars now, a great synergy with Biggs, strong AOE, a lot of speed (see unique ability) and good leader (the best I'd say. If you have enough speed and doesn't need +15 speed from Lando leader). Can be used everywhere. Needs crit damage, speed and crit chance
    * Biggs Darklighter (比格斯-夜明 双飞之二)- farm, pilot, but only with Wedge, good against those who crit. Very strong 2nd skill. Also has much speed from Wedge's unique ability. Needs crit damage and speed
    * Chirrut Imwe (甄子丹)- farm, in a pvp-tournament only for now. Has a great synergy with Baze. Is cool in p2 or p4 of AAT with rebels and at arena. Very strong. Need speed, crit damage and hp
    * Baze Malbus (姜文)- farm. A tank with taunt (also has a taunt at the start of an encounter, like shoretrooper) and great self heal, + synergy with Chirrut. Speed,hp, potency
    * Lando Calrissian (兰多)– farm, good leader and very strong AOE, a top char for beginners, easy to farm. Also good at 85 lvl but not meta right now. Needs crit damage, crit chance and speed
    * Stormtrooper Han (白汉,风暴兵-汉)- farm, one of the most powerful tanks. Needs speed, potency and resistance (in descending order). Should go first
    * Jyn Erso (琴-厄索)- farm, pilot. Not bad as a rebel leader, with those who buff a lot (like Chirrut). Can't be stunned with zeta. However she is not an imba, although she is cool on rancor due to turn meter reduction. Also can be used at p1 AAT. Needs crit chance, speed and potency
    * Admiral Ackbar (阿克巴上将)- farm, good leader. Fleetcommander. Nice skills though is not used often at 85 lvl. Speed and hp
    * Han Solo – (韩索洛)farm, useful with his first turn shot at arena (though not against Shoretrooper and Baze). Also is used in aat raid on p2 and p4. Needs crit chance, crit damage and potency
    * Princess Leia - (莱亚公举)farm, not bad with Akbar leader, still too much RNG (can perform both great and bad). Needs crit damage and speed. Doesn't need potency
    * Skarif Rebel Pathfinder (斯卡里夫反抗军)– farm, pilot. not bad in p2\p4 AAT. Speed, hp and potency
    * Cassian Andor (卡西安 侠盗一号角色)- probably do not farm, though a pilot. A good debuffer with synergy with K-2SO, but doesn't seem like a meta shifter. Cool at p1 AAT. Potency and speed
    * Bistan - farm only because he is a pilot. Though there are going to be more and more people who use him in raids and he performs well due to turn meter reduction. Potency and speed
    * K-2SO - do not farm, though a pilot. Taunts only when attacks, so if he is stunned, no taunt. Potency, speed and hp
    * Hoth rebel scout - do not farm, mediocre. Speed, potency, crit chance
    * Lobot - do not farm. Speed and hp
    * Luke Skywalker - do not farm. Also no information about Luke with lightsaber. Crit chance and speed
    * Hoth rebel soldier – do not farm. Speed, hp and crit chance

    IP属地:广东2楼2017-02-17 22:06
      Clones - good at arena, GW, raid. 5 clones is not the best team though 克隆人 想刷也行
      * Rex (大名鼎鼎雷克斯)- farm, pilot, a strong leader for arena, good in raids, needs potency and speed
      * Fives - farm, pilot, a strong char, used in different squads. Needs Omega in 1 skill and crit damage with crit chance. And don't forget about potency
      * Cody - farm, only with other clones. A good clone leader with zeta (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOdkmoMA7OA. Speed, hp, crit damage
      * Clone Sergeant - farm, pilot, strong dd (not only with clones). not bad in rancor raid with his damage and tm reduction. Speed. crit damage, potency
      * Echo - farm, only with other clones. A good support dispeller who needs hp and crit damage since he always assists
      Droids - strong at arena, GW and AAT raid (2 and 4 phases) 机器人大队 想刷就刷吧 名字就是实名
      * the best squad - HK-47 leader, B2, jawa engineer, IG-88, IG 86 (or instead of IG-86 use Chief Nebit, Grievous, MagnaGuard)
      * one of the best squads for P2\P4 AAT raid - Hk47 leader, 88, 86, engineer, nebit - all need lot of speed!
      * HK-47 – farm, the best leader for droids, much better than Poggle (leader skill at maximum because that makes droids get 50% turn menter after they crit). Needs potency and adjusting speed so that he goes berfore IG88 since IG88 is stronger against debuffed enemies
      * IG-88 – farm, the main Damage dealer (dd) of droids. Needs crit damage, crit chance, hp and potency.
      * B2 - farm, very useful and strong char at arena, dispels buffs, often gain 100% turn meter. Perfect against tanks. Can be used in any squad. Advice - put a crit damage set and crit avoidance. Doesn't need speed
      * IG-86 – farm. Also very strong dd that can call assist. Needs crit damage, crit chance, hp
      * General Grievous - a long time to farm, you can deal without him, though a good leader against AOE crit Meta. Potency, speed and hp
      * K-2SO - see rebels
      * IG-100 MagnaGW – do not farm, although there are some people who use him. Potency, speed and crit damage

      IP属地:广东3楼2017-02-17 22:07

        IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端4楼2017-02-21 14:40

          5楼2017-02-21 22:15

            IP属地:宁夏来自Android客户端6楼2017-02-22 10:55
              之前发被百度自动拦截了 马上补上

              IP属地:广东7楼2017-02-23 13:06
                Empire – becoming stronger and stronger. Used in events, arena, raids 帝国队 越来越强 真尼玛强
                * Emperor Palpatine (皇帝)- farm. Very strong at arena. Good leader for empire, needs speed (should go first!) and some potency if he is not a leader. Also very useful at p3 AAT with Chirpa (needs crit chance and crit damage there)
                * Shoretrooper - farm. A strong tank, that counters Han Solo, has a taunt before any opponents have their turn. Also can grant crit immunity for allies. Protection, health, and if possible speed
                * TIE pilot (太妃)- farm, pilot. Very strong and fast dd that can reduce tenacity and inflict ability block. Good with debuffers and with Palpatine leader. Needs crit damage, speed, crit chance. His tenacity down depends only on crit and not on potency. Also cool in raids
                * Royal Guard (红衣皇家护卫)– farm, one of the best tanks at many levels. has an auto-taunt when allies become <50% hp. Also can stun. Needs protection and potency
                * Director Krennik (克伦尼克所长 侠盗一号)- farm, a strong leader for empire, a great synergy with Deathtrooper. Perfect with palpatine, tie pilot, shoretrooper. A cool zeta on leader skill. Speed and potency

                IP属地:广东8楼2017-02-23 13:08
                  帝国继续 一次发不了几个字
                  * Deathtrooper (死亡士兵)- farm, a strong debuffer. Very good with Krennik, especially with zeta. Crit damage and crit chance or protection mostly if you have a zeta on his unique, so that Krennik live longer (zeta - Krennik can't be critically hit while DT is alive)
                  * Grand Moff Tarkin (塔金)- farm, Fleetcommander, a good leader for empire squad and performs not bad at GW and arena. Speed, potency, crit damage

                  IP属地:广东9楼2017-02-23 13:11
                    一次发不出来什么 百度总说内容不合法 醉了

                    IP属地:广东10楼2017-02-23 13:13

                      IP属地:加拿大来自iPhone客户端11楼2017-02-23 15:20

                        IP属地:广东14楼2017-02-23 23:06

                          内容全部更新完毕 实践看最后哟

                          IP属地:广东15楼2017-02-23 23:06

                            IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端17楼2017-02-24 07:28

                              IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端18楼2017-02-25 01:41