黑玦吧 关注:162贴子:1,531
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I don't use the Schemhamphoras kabbalistically, so I can't speak on "tuning into the real kabbalah".
My magical approach is more grounded in Greco-Egyptian-Israelite-Chaldean syncreticism.
I understand the symbology and stories presented in the bible through that lens.
I know how to weave a line of compatibility between ancient Gods, the Israelite God, His angels, and their infernal counterparts.
I understand how to bring out each hierarchy's productive influences.
It can be viewed as Cabalistic in some ways. I only use the TOL as a reference point to navigate the Israelite spiritual hierarchy.
Basically, what I do can be classified more as Hellenistic Sorcery. I perform spirit work and magic work to push me towards enlightenment and material prosperity.
在某种程度上,这确实可以被视作为卡巴拉。我只是以卡巴拉生命树【译者注:TOL=Tree of Life】作为参考去操纵犹太教中的天使阶层。基本上,我的方式更加接近希腊系的巫师。我进行灵体工作并实践魔法去促使我获得精神上的启蒙与物质资产。
If you are calling down or invoking angels to achieve these practical ends, and not doing any soul-seeking or serious meditation on scripture,
you are pretty much engaging in general angel work or angel magic, not really Kabbalah or Cabala.
Here is how I use the TOL to navigate the planetary influences of each Shem angel, I find they're more verifiable in practice than the zodiacal associations
Also, angelic work has never seemed to slow to me compared to working with infernals.
It is usually the person working with the angels who is to blame. The better your personal spiritual progress, the faster the spirits act on your behalf, is what I found in my experience.
Well, that's mostly hoodoo work, which is strong because it works with the spirits of the herbs, minerals, animal parts etc. included in the spell.
I've experimented combining it with angel work and its【it’s】 pretty potent.
However, and I emphasize this greatly, angel work is best for the person who is attempting to improve the spiritual progress and by relation, magical skill.
If you are praying to angels and expecting them to do the most for you, it doesn't exactly work that way.
From what I can gather of my experience, they teach you how to be "magically and spiritually independent",
in which they will help you bridge your spiritual connection to the components of the spell and strengthen it,
but you are pretty much the power source and the main one doing all the work.
Omg yes, to be quite honest I think everyone should be pushed to learn magickal defense, protection, and restorative techniques.
Most of the time the workings we do with magic, for love, money, or against enemies etc. is combatting all the negative influences or forces around us.
This is why, in established traditions especially, it is recommended to first perform workings for cleansing, banishing, and clearing away obstacles (aka "road opening") before performing magic work or spirit work addressing the more material concerns.
We do a lot of spiritual workings to address the discomfort and distress in our lives.
The motivation for wealth-related workings comes from poor experiences concerning wealth, for relationship or social related workings it stems from painful circumstances, etc.
The most effective thing an aspiring mystic/practitioner can relentlessly strengthen and improve (imo) is their ability to not only cleanse and strain away all the undesirable forces that poorly affect these areas of their life, but also learn how to further maintain and protect the stability of those areas.

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