In the past 100 years, television shows up inpeople’s life as one of the most important inventions. With the scientifictechnology develops, there are growing numbers of TV programs produced, andsome people spend most of the time watching TV. So here comes a question: Doestelevision destroy the communication between us and friends or family? Somepeople steadfastly agree with the answer yes. Conversely, some others areskeptical about their theory. On my personal level, I prefer the latter one asmy inclination. I don’t think that televison destroy the communication amongpeople. There are several reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, on my perspective, watchingtelevision is an activity that family can share. You can switch to a channelthat everyone can watch, families can talk about this program instead of focuson their own things. So that nobody will be ignored, and the atmosphere will beharmony. The problem of destroying the communication will not exist. Forexample, there is a TV program named Spring Festival Gala which is asignificant show for every Chinese. It’s a traditional activity that familywill sit together and watch this gala during it broadcast every year, we willchat with each other about every show of this gala. Families will laughtogether, comment together, and when the new year is coming we will countbackwards together. According to this, do you think watching TV destroy the conversationamong people?
Further more, as long as we think objectivelyand thoroughly, watching television not only does not destroy people’srelationship, but also promote the communication between us and friends orfamily. Nowadays there are plenty of TV series, watching them is a ideal way tokill time that many people love. When you find some series are attractive, youcan recommend them to friends or family. If they start watching, you candiscuss the plots or characters in the series with them. Instead of destroy thecommunication, it create more topics for you to talk about, which means yourcommunication become more enthusiastic.
To wrap up, from the above analysis, it iseasy to notice that my idea can be supported by variety of the arguments andexamples. Though I partly disagree with this statement for the reason that weare supposed to oversimplify this situation. Through my thinking, I stillbelieve that watching TV does not destroy the communication between us andfriends or family.