Swiss Muslim girls must learn to swim with boys, court rules
10 January 2017

Switzerlandhas won a case at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) obliging Muslimparents to send their children to mixed swimming lessons.
Itsaid authorities were justified in giving precedence to enforcing "thefull school curriculum" and the children's "successfulintegration" into society.
TheECHR acknowledged that religious freedom was being interfered with.
Butjudges said it did not amount to a violation.
Thecase was brought by two Swiss nationals, of Turkish origin, who refused to sendtheir teenage daughters to the compulsory mixed lessons in the city of Basel.
Educationofficials, however, said that exemptions were available only for girls who hadreached the age of puberty - which the girls had not reached at the time.
In2010, after a long-running dispute, the parents were ordered to pay a combinedfine of 1,400 Swiss Francs ($1,380, £1,136) "for acting in breach of theirparental duty".
Theyargued that such treatment was a violation of article nine of the EuropeanConvention on Human Rights, which covers the right to freedom of thought,conscience and religion.

In a statement, the ECHR said the refusal to exemptthe girls had interfered with the right to freedom of religion.
Butit also said the law involved was designed to "protect foreign pupils fromany form of social exclusion" and Switzerland was free to design itseducation system according to its own needs and traditions.
Schools,it said, played an important role in social integration, and exemptions fromsome lessons are "justified only in very exceptional circumstances".
Swimming,burkinis, and integration
§ In 2016, officials in Basel suspended the citizenship process for the family of two teenage Muslimbrothers who refused to shake hands with female teachers.
§ 2016年,巴塞尔官方暂停了一个拥有两个青少年穆斯林家庭的身份申请进度,因为他们两兄弟都拒绝和女老师握手。
§ Switzerland has also applied thelaw to other cases - a man of Bosnian origin was fined last year for refusingto allow his daughter to take part in swimming lessons during school hours,among other activities.
§ 瑞士法案也同样适用于其他案件,一名波斯尼亚裔父亲因为去年拒绝允许他的女儿在学校期间参加游泳课程和其他活动而被罚款。
§ Germany also battled with theissue of mixed swimming lessons in 2013, when a judge ruled that a 13-year-oldgirl must attend - but allowed the wearing of a burkini.
§ 德国同样也在为混合游泳课程的问题而争议,2013年法院判定强制13岁的小女孩必须参加此课程,但是允许他们穿着穆斯林专用的泳衣。
§ In France, in 2009, a woman wasbanned from swimming in a public pool in her burkini. That would be followed in2016 by a controversial official ban on the garment in public spaces - which was eventually overturned by French courts.
§ 在法国,2009年,一位妇女因为穿着穆斯林泳衣而被禁止进入公共泳池。2016年法国也颁布了一个非常有争议的关于公共场合着装禁令,但是这个最终被法国法庭推翻。
§ France, Belgium, and the Netherlandsall have bans on Muslim veils in public, to varying degrees.
§ 法国、比利时和荷兰都禁止在公共场合不同程度地穿戴穆斯林面罩。
"Accordingly,the children's interest in a full education, thus facilitating their successfulsocial integration according to local customs and mores, prevailed over theparents' wish to have their children exempted from mixed swimminglessons," the court said.
Thecourt also noted that "very flexible arrangements" had been offeredas a compromise, including allowing the girls to wear burkinis during lessonsrather than traditional swimwear, and allowing them to change clothes with noboys in the room.
10 January 2017

Switzerlandhas won a case at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) obliging Muslimparents to send their children to mixed swimming lessons.
Itsaid authorities were justified in giving precedence to enforcing "thefull school curriculum" and the children's "successfulintegration" into society.
TheECHR acknowledged that religious freedom was being interfered with.
Butjudges said it did not amount to a violation.
Thecase was brought by two Swiss nationals, of Turkish origin, who refused to sendtheir teenage daughters to the compulsory mixed lessons in the city of Basel.
Educationofficials, however, said that exemptions were available only for girls who hadreached the age of puberty - which the girls had not reached at the time.
In2010, after a long-running dispute, the parents were ordered to pay a combinedfine of 1,400 Swiss Francs ($1,380, £1,136) "for acting in breach of theirparental duty".
Theyargued that such treatment was a violation of article nine of the EuropeanConvention on Human Rights, which covers the right to freedom of thought,conscience and religion.

In a statement, the ECHR said the refusal to exemptthe girls had interfered with the right to freedom of religion.
Butit also said the law involved was designed to "protect foreign pupils fromany form of social exclusion" and Switzerland was free to design itseducation system according to its own needs and traditions.
Schools,it said, played an important role in social integration, and exemptions fromsome lessons are "justified only in very exceptional circumstances".
Swimming,burkinis, and integration
§ In 2016, officials in Basel suspended the citizenship process for the family of two teenage Muslimbrothers who refused to shake hands with female teachers.
§ 2016年,巴塞尔官方暂停了一个拥有两个青少年穆斯林家庭的身份申请进度,因为他们两兄弟都拒绝和女老师握手。
§ Switzerland has also applied thelaw to other cases - a man of Bosnian origin was fined last year for refusingto allow his daughter to take part in swimming lessons during school hours,among other activities.
§ 瑞士法案也同样适用于其他案件,一名波斯尼亚裔父亲因为去年拒绝允许他的女儿在学校期间参加游泳课程和其他活动而被罚款。
§ Germany also battled with theissue of mixed swimming lessons in 2013, when a judge ruled that a 13-year-oldgirl must attend - but allowed the wearing of a burkini.
§ 德国同样也在为混合游泳课程的问题而争议,2013年法院判定强制13岁的小女孩必须参加此课程,但是允许他们穿着穆斯林专用的泳衣。
§ In France, in 2009, a woman wasbanned from swimming in a public pool in her burkini. That would be followed in2016 by a controversial official ban on the garment in public spaces - which was eventually overturned by French courts.
§ 在法国,2009年,一位妇女因为穿着穆斯林泳衣而被禁止进入公共泳池。2016年法国也颁布了一个非常有争议的关于公共场合着装禁令,但是这个最终被法国法庭推翻。
§ France, Belgium, and the Netherlandsall have bans on Muslim veils in public, to varying degrees.
§ 法国、比利时和荷兰都禁止在公共场合不同程度地穿戴穆斯林面罩。
"Accordingly,the children's interest in a full education, thus facilitating their successfulsocial integration according to local customs and mores, prevailed over theparents' wish to have their children exempted from mixed swimminglessons," the court said.
Thecourt also noted that "very flexible arrangements" had been offeredas a compromise, including allowing the girls to wear burkinis during lessonsrather than traditional swimwear, and allowing them to change clothes with noboys in the room.