应该是 1975年,还有破儿和校长的采访为证。
(不过破儿明显记性不好= = 啥only once啊,那次大家一起jam的smoke on the water不算?)
Strangely for artists so big during the same era, before Paul and Brian's meeting a number of years ago, Paul had only met the other members of Queen once before.
Paul explained: "I saw them briefly on a stairway once, when they were looking for a manager. They were talking to Peter Grant, who managed me and Led Zeppelin at the time.
"They were coming out of his office, and we bumped into one another."
Q. Brian, I think American fans of a certain age assume that all English rock stars know each other, and they probably gather once a year at some fancy club in London. How did you first meet Paul Rodgers?
A. Ooh, that's going back. I know we said hi when we went to [Led Zeppelin and Bad Company manager] Peter Grant's office to talk about management, and Paul was just leaving and that was it. But Paul was a hero of ours -- we wouldn't have said that much more to him really. He is the same age as us, but Free was out there at such a young age conquering the world, it's incredible. [Guitarist] Paul Kossoff is a great hero to me and still is.