其实都是仅拆或者全新= =,价格都是最低了,买过来的时候都是80上百的,现在都特么腰斩的价格了
Arafel - For Battles Once Fought 80仅拆
Aposepsy – Aposepsy 35
Amorphis - Skyforger 全新 50
Betzefer – Freedom To The Slave Makers 20
Brain Drill - Quantum Catastrophe digipak 仅拆45
Burzum - Belus 塑料盒版仅拆 60
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness 日版首版
Carcass - Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious 日版首版
Carcass - Heartwork 日版首版
Carcass - Swansong 日版首版
Coprobaptized Cunthunter ?– Failure Prosthesis digipak仅拆 75
Cryptopsy - None So Vile 日版首版
Cryptopsy - Whisper Supremacy 日版首版
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not 日版首版
Cryptopsy - And Then You'll Beg 日版首版
Dark Moor - Ancestral Romance Digipak仅拆 60
Datura - Standing Wave 45
Deivos - Gospel of Maggots 70
Defeated Sanity – Psalms Of The Moribund 首版 90
Enforcer - Diamonds Digipak仅拆 80
Fitcage - Pigumanity 25
Gaë Bolg – Requiem 全新 25
Gutted Mind - Brave New World digipak 30
Insomnium - One for Sorrow 全新80
Insomnium - Across the Dark 全新65
Inherit Disease - Visceral Transcendence 70
Inherit Disease - Procreating an Apocalypse 70
Nokturnal Mortum - Voice Of Steel 90
Machinae Supremacy - A View from the End of the World 85仅拆
Man Must Die - No Tolerance for Imperfection 55
Masterplan - Time to Be King digipak 50
Melechesh - The Epigenesis digipak仅拆45
Melechesh - Emissaries 仅拆60
Misery Index - Heirs to Thievery 仅拆 40
Putridity - Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria 全新 55
Severe Torture - Slaughtered 仅拆50
Subaudition – The Scope 全新20
The Murder Industry - Death Motivation 30
Terrordrome - Vehement Convulsion 40
人彘 - 忤逆的遗物 30
肆伍乐队 - 孕育生命的不只是母体 25
Q 592887049
Arafel - For Battles Once Fought 80仅拆
Aposepsy – Aposepsy 35
Amorphis - Skyforger 全新 50
Betzefer – Freedom To The Slave Makers 20
Brain Drill - Quantum Catastrophe digipak 仅拆45
Burzum - Belus 塑料盒版仅拆 60
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness 日版首版
Carcass - Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious 日版首版
Carcass - Heartwork 日版首版
Carcass - Swansong 日版首版
Coprobaptized Cunthunter ?– Failure Prosthesis digipak仅拆 75
Cryptopsy - None So Vile 日版首版
Cryptopsy - Whisper Supremacy 日版首版
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not 日版首版
Cryptopsy - And Then You'll Beg 日版首版
Dark Moor - Ancestral Romance Digipak仅拆 60
Datura - Standing Wave 45
Deivos - Gospel of Maggots 70
Defeated Sanity – Psalms Of The Moribund 首版 90
Enforcer - Diamonds Digipak仅拆 80
Fitcage - Pigumanity 25
Gaë Bolg – Requiem 全新 25
Gutted Mind - Brave New World digipak 30
Insomnium - One for Sorrow 全新80
Insomnium - Across the Dark 全新65
Inherit Disease - Visceral Transcendence 70
Inherit Disease - Procreating an Apocalypse 70
Nokturnal Mortum - Voice Of Steel 90
Machinae Supremacy - A View from the End of the World 85仅拆
Man Must Die - No Tolerance for Imperfection 55
Masterplan - Time to Be King digipak 50
Melechesh - The Epigenesis digipak仅拆45
Melechesh - Emissaries 仅拆60
Misery Index - Heirs to Thievery 仅拆 40
Putridity - Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria 全新 55
Severe Torture - Slaughtered 仅拆50
Subaudition – The Scope 全新20
The Murder Industry - Death Motivation 30
Terrordrome - Vehement Convulsion 40
人彘 - 忤逆的遗物 30
肆伍乐队 - 孕育生命的不只是母体 25
Q 592887049