Performing tonight in LA for my album release party :D come hang out with me and my band!!!

just thought you should know..

You guys have made some absolutely incredible fanart over the years :D
top left - Nata Gora
top right - Hayleigh Borton, Alex Tremblay, and Anne Shirley Capman
bottom left - Lily Wang
bottom right - Please let me know if you are or know the artist, I'd love to know his/her name!!
I'm collecting all the fanart you guys make for something special in the future, so please don't hesitate to send me more ;)

160623 关于脸彩,_(:зゝ∠)_我翻译很多次了,自己看吧
A lot of people ask me what the meaning behind the face-paint is :)
"Balanced asymmetry" is something I think about in the way that I make music, live life, and design my face-paint. It's the idea that something can be completely different on both sides, but if each element balances the element on the opposite side, it creates a sense of balance superior to that of perfect symmetry
I think there's so much poetic justice to this. So much of our experiences as humans is being told to achieve a concept of "perfection" or "symmetry". To act perfect, to get into the perfect school, to look perfect, to get the perfect job, to find the perfect person, to have the perfect family blah blah. There is no such thing as perfection or true symmetry in life and nature. It's when we embrace and enhance the off-center things about ourselves, the "asymmetry", that we create something that's truly beautiful and balanced
The face-paint represents this visually. It's a symbol to not fight your natural asymmetry, but to embrace and enhance it

140625 折纸达人
I leave Origami at every restaurant I eat at :D This one's my own design, inspired by the A-Wing from Star Wars
I want to send you guys origami in exchange for your fan-art and/or hand-written letters (I'm collecting all of it for a special release) One of you told me about a cool new site called Tradeya where people exchange goods, but I want to use it to exchange letters, art, and music with you
Click here if you want to try it out with me :) (trade me 链接)
(return to this link after signing up)

Every time I hang out with dogs I learn so much about life :) ...does that make me weird..

Beach day :)

Makin' music :)

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I've never met so many fans than in KCON 2014!
It was an awe-inspiring experience seeing and talking to so many of you :D All I can say is that my fans are some of the most beautiful, intelligent, kindest, most passionate people I've ever met
photo credits:
top left - Sarah Schermer
middle left - Ryan Rubin
bottom left - The One Shots
right - me

Gonna be a contestant on the upcoming season of American Idol :D!