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如何找到一个男朋友 英语版文章


Are you hoping to find a girl who you can be in a steady relationship with? This article will go over some of the things you can do that will help your chances with any girl.

1楼2016-10-23 18:24回复
    对了, 我有一个Q群组,是英语社区,只能说英语。号码573154617,有兴趣的加

    3楼2016-10-23 18:27
      Help someone. It could be her, or it could be someone else in the room. Is she carrying something heavy? Say "let me help you with that" and carry it for her. Is someone short on cash? Lend them a few dollars so they can eat lunch. Hold the door open for the next person coming through, even if they haven't reached it yet. In other words, be a kind and generous person. Not only will it get her attention, but it will also make you feel good about yourself. Don't be fake and do nice things only when she's around, though. Chances are, she'll notice that there's a difference between how you treat her, and how you treat others. Help people all the time, in a wide variety of ways. She'll notice, and so will the people she knows, and on the occasion that you come up in a conversation, people will say "They're such a great person!" and this girl will start thinking "Yeah...they are, aren't they?"

      4楼2016-10-23 18:29
        Approach tons of girls on a consistent basis. If you see a girl whom you find attractive, go and talk to her (doesn't matter what time it is). And you do that on a regular basis. If you go out one day and sit it out for next few days, it won't work well. Go out regularly and talk to bunch of women. Supermarkets, library, malls, streets, social gatherings any place where you think you might find girls.

        5楼2016-10-23 18:31
          Avoid being afraid to fail. Remember, fear of rejection is extremely irrational. If you see a hot girl, go and talk to her. Convey her your intentions right away. Don't digress, no matter what, "Hi, you are cute and I came here to know who you really are." You are looking for a girlfriend, not a friend who is a 'girl'.

          6楼2016-10-23 18:37
            Avoid giving yourself time to make excuses. When you see a hot girl, don't make excuses like 'she's probably in a relationship', 'she is on her phone' or 'she is jogging', 'Man I look so bad'. Believe it that there is no valid excuse to not talk to her. At worst she would say 'no' and walk away. You have to try again and again to get good at this.

            9楼2016-10-23 18:42
              Keep having fun. This is really important. If you are not having fun while talking to a girl or while looking for her, you are probably taking it too seriously. But if you are having fun, you won't care about the potential rejection and would come out as cool and fun person.

              10楼2016-10-23 18:44
                Be yourself to the extreme. If you don't find something she says funny, don't laugh just because she is laughing. Don't try to be something you are not.

                11楼2016-10-23 18:48
                  Network. The more people you meet, the bigger pool of people you'll have to choose from. Don't be picky about who you meet or how you meet him—the nice old man down the street may have a gorgeous granddaughter your age and the somewhat annoying girl from last night's party might have a friend who's perfect for you.
                  Go out and pursue hobbies you love. If you're not sure how to start meeting people, sign up for activities that sound fun to you! Check forums, listings, classifieds, and listservs for local events or meetings that are likely to attract people with similar interests or passions. You can also explore new interests or activities. You might find a new hobby and a girlfriend all in one go! Don't depend completely on the internet.

                  12楼2016-10-23 18:49
                    Take care of your physical appearance. No matter how much women would like to admit otherwise, looks are an important part of the dating game. Bad body odor, smelly breath, and greasy, unkempt hair are simply not attractive to most women. Shower regularly,brush your teeth twice a day, and stay in shape. While you don't need to be the best looking person out there, you do need to make a good first impression.
                    Take pride in your clothing. Again, you don't need to be stylish, but clean, unwrinkled clothes are always better than the opposite. Avoid wearing the same thing every day, especially if it's just sweatpants.
                    In addition to making you more attractive, taking good care of your physical appearance will boost your self confidence, which in turn, will make you more attractive, boosting your self confidence, and so forth. While cockiness is never a good thing, knowing that you've got good qualities will make you much better at marketing yourself.

                    13楼2016-10-23 19:01
                      Practice genuinely complimenting girls. Challenge yourself to find something beautiful in any girl. It doesn't have to be something physical; it can be a cute gesture, an admirable trait, a talent or skill. Recognizing and expressing true appreciation for any and every girl will make you more attracted to girls and girls more attracted to you.

                      14楼2016-10-23 19:02
                        Make her laugh. Girls love people who have a good sense of humor, and the key to having a good sense of humor is to be lighthearted, and unabashedly yourself. As long as you're not making fun of people in a mean-spirited way, anything goes. Is your sense of humor perverted? Slapstick? Sarcastic? Go with anything, as long as you don't try so hard that it becomes fake.
                        Don't worry about whether or not she thinks you're funny because you know what? If she can't laugh with you, then this isn't a girl you want to spend a lot of time with anyway. And who knows? Maybe another girl—one whom you hadn't noticed before—will be laughing so hard that her soda comes out of her nose, and maybe you've justfound your soulmate.

                        17楼2016-10-23 19:08
                          Close the deal. If you like the woman you're talking to, be the one who ends the conversation. This prevents the conversation from lingering into an awkward silence, shows that you're busy (i.e. not needy or desperate), and allows you to end the conversation on a positive note. When you end the conversation, simply say "Hey, I've gotta go, but it's been really good talking to you. Want to continue this over a cup of coffee sometime?" If she says yes, get her phone number and move on. If she says no, just move on. She's not the only girl that will cross your path.

                          20楼2016-10-23 19:26
                            Follow Through. If you meet a nice girl who seems interested in you, try to follow through with this. If you like her back, be willing and confident enough to ask her out. Be subtle at first. A person we just met may seem creepy setting up a fancy candle lit dinner for two on our first casual meeting, connection or not. Try taking her out for coffee after school or work. If she says no, then she either isn't ready, or she doesn't like you. Don't persist, this will push her away more, but be friendly until she starts showing a more romantic interest, and then try again.

                            23楼2016-10-23 19:42
                              Go on a date. Once you have met a girl that you feel you truly connect with, you need her to like you. If you've done the above correctly, she's probably already interested, so now you just need to seal the deal. Invite her out for a date or a cup of coffee. Offer to pick her up, walk her there, or take the bus together. Not only is this polite, but it will give the two of you more time to talk during the course of the night.
                              Don't ask her out over chat or text. Give her a call or ask her in person. Though a small gesture, it means a lot to a girl and shows her that you're not just looking for a quick hookup.
                              Offer to pay. Go to this date expecting to pay. Again, this shows manners, and it lets the girl know that you're not cheap. She'll probably protest out of politeness, but unless she's really sincere, insist.

                              24楼2016-10-23 19:47