advanced_english_i吧 关注:36贴子:194
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146第二单元附加话题探讨 10.16



1楼2016-10-13 10:11回复

    There are two sub-topic I have found in the passage:
    1.the attitude of first-generation immigrants and the second-generation immigrants towards the original country
    The first-generation immigrants---author’s mother and grandmother(in this passage) recognized better than the second-generation immigrants---author and his brother about Chinese culture and the original identity. The first-generation immigrants have many memories and a deep affection about their original country and culture. That’s why the mother insisted her children to learn Chinese. She uses “heritage” to describe Chinese or Chinese culture which reflects that she think highly of China and Chinese culture.
    While the second-generation immigrants actually have no such a feeling as the first-generation do. In this passage, the author and her brother have not been to China. They live in America since they were born. Therefore they have no idea or feeling about China even if they learned a little in school.
    2.Education mode of school
    In the paragraph 3 to 6, the author described her experience of learning at a Chinese school. And she also mentioned some about learning at American school.
    From her description,we can easily find that education mode of Chinese school is inflexible and stern.
    And in American school, the mode of education or teaching is more free and casual.
    金灵超 Kiki

    5楼2016-10-14 19:48
      I agree with Kiki that the passage also talks about the mode of Chinese school education, because the author describes whatand how they learned in the Chinese school.
      Besides,I find another sub-title, family education. The mother forced her children to learn Chinese, although they were unwilling to. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that their family paid much attention to national culture education. And the author's brother always criticized the mother for her pidgin speech. As we can see, their family members were equal and their family education were free in most cases on the condition that children didn't break their parents' educational principle.
      俞钦伟 Sue

      9楼2016-10-15 11:17
        Sub-topic: The respect to the elders and awarenessof cultural differences
        From the author’s description of her motherand grandmother, we can see clearly that Elizabeth Wong and her brother didn’trespect her mother and grandmother who couldn’t speak English well. The author saidthat her grandmother’s voice was quick, loud and unbeautiful, and the humor ofher grandmother was raunchy, her Chinese rhythmless and patternless. These adjectivestell us directly that Elizabeth Wong disliked her grandmother, and the author wasreally lacking in the awareness of cultural differences. If she had tried totalk with her grandmother sincerely, she could realize that Chinese old peopleprefer showing their kindness and hospitality by talking in a high voice andspeed. What’s more, the author’s attitude towards to the elders also can beinterpreted in the perspective of the cultural differences.
        【Kelly 孔佩瑶】

        IP属地:浙江10楼2016-10-15 12:44
          Sub-topic:The relationship model among family members
          As far as I am concerned, the author is rude and unrespect to her grandmother and mother. Besides the factor of culture differences, I want to talk about the relationship model among family members. It is a common phenomenon that children and the elder have different ideas towards the same thing. I think it is a kind of generation gap. Sometimes we may think our parents are out of style and inflexible. Understanding is really important among family members. The people grew up in different cultural environment have different concept, but they shouldn't push others do what they like. Everyone has his own freedom to do the things he likes. So the mother in the text shouldn't push the girl to learn Chinese. We can't deny that tradition is really important, however, the author thought she is an American, so it is useless to force her to consider herself as a Chinese. And the author and the brother also shouldn't criticize their mother, it is difficult for the mother to learn English very well and she is still a Chinese to her mind. So they have to be patient and understand each other.
          (朱陈莉 Lily)

          14楼2016-10-15 15:33

            43楼2016-10-16 11:28

              44楼2016-10-16 11:38

                45楼2016-10-16 14:40

                  47楼2016-10-16 21:44
                    1. The system of Chinese school
                    The first paragraph leaves me a very deep impression. Although it have been 10 years, the Chinese school didn't make any difference except its appearance. I think it's meaningful to establish a Chinese school in America for the Chinese American children who are interested in the Chinese culture. It do make sense in carrying forward the fine traditional cultures. But I think the school should find some proper way to adapt itself to the social background so that the children can accept it more easily. It's under the American circumstance after all.
                    2. The cognition of the parents
                    The children is very easy to accept new things and get used to them. The children born in American and grew up in this society and cultural background. There is no doubt that they apt to love American culture better. I want to ask a question that why the parents took their children to American and get American nationality. If they want their children to settle down in American, they should let them accept the American value instead of forcing them to learn Chinese traditional culture. If they love Chinese culture, why did they choose to settle down in America?
                    --by Jessica

                    来自iPhone客户端49楼2016-10-16 23:35

                      50楼2016-10-17 23:07
                        This article is also about the style and quality of Chinese education in foreign countries. One of the main reasons that causes the author feel angry with Chinese is that the mode of Chinese education is so dull and the teacher is stern. As the author said ,“I recognized him as a repressed maniacal child killer, and knew that if we ever saw his hands we’d be in big trouble.” Besides, the subjects that the school provides are impractical and tough. They want to use the knowledge to understand the world and adjust to the world. However, learning ideographs is useless in their eyes. Moreover, the surroundings in Chinese school is not satisfactory. All these elements that cause the author feel disappointed about Chinese. Those schools are supposed to adapt their mode of education and improve their quality of teaching. Educators ought to take responsibility of passing the Chinese culture to the next generation.
                        卢丹丹 Rebecca

                        51楼2016-10-18 18:49

                          52楼2016-11-01 14:40