Subtopic 1: The later generations of early immigrants' attitude towards China
After searching the background of author, we can find that she is a typical posterity of early immigrants of China. However, due to the growing environment, her sense of identity has weakened. Since she was born in America, although her parents had paid more attention to Chinese education, she lived in a condition filled with English rather than Chinese. So she couldn't recognize her real identity and hated to be a Chinese. In her mind, she just thought she was pressed to learn a kind of language that she didn't like. And meanwhile, she had no feeling about China.
Subtopic2: The way should immigrants take to educate their generations about Chinese culture
In this passage, the author's parents wanted to let them know Chinese culture. So she was sent to Chinese school by her mother. Her mother was solidly determined to have her children learn the language of their hertige. Besides, her grandmother also spoke Chinese at home. But despite her parents' endeavor, it's still difficult for author to find the cultural identity and sense of belonging. So what should immigrants do to their chidren to make them find the sense of identity? I think it's a question for us to discuss.
Stella 阮