Looking for information about the most recent build? Click here!【寻找最新的建设的信息?】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOeowcZlI48】
The most recent build wasn’t absolutely riddled with game-breaking bugs, but it did have a handful of particularly bothersome issues that I decided to fix.【最新的版本并不是绝对的千疮百孔的破游戏的bug,但也有少数特别烦人的问题,我决定来解决。】
Scroll down below this beautiful artwork by Coffe Fox to read about the things that I fixed in this build!
The most recent build wasn’t absolutely riddled with game-breaking bugs, but it did have a handful of particularly bothersome issues that I decided to fix.【最新的版本并不是绝对的千疮百孔的破游戏的bug,但也有少数特别烦人的问题,我决定来解决。】
Scroll down below this beautiful artwork by Coffe Fox to read about the things that I fixed in this build!