-Added Madman Mode (Warning: Only for strong-willed Magicite Veterans!)
-增加了Madman Mode(高手适用)
-Added 4th Age Droid [New Companion]
-增加了新的伙伴 4th Age Droid(Madman Mode通关解锁)
-Trees/Ores/Bugspots/Itemstands/Enemies/etc. now drop items LOCALLY for every player, lessening the network load a ton and also makes sure everyone gets an equal amount of loot!
-EXP/Gold are also dropped locally as well, making network a lot smoother.
-You can now select your traits rather than having to pray to RNGesus.
-Added various sound effects.
-Added awesome new Inventory/Crafting textures.
-Inventory can be opened with R or TAB keys.
-You can't spam W to skip biomes wtf u cheaters.
-Spirit Race stats have been changed from [HP+5, ATK+15] to [HP+7, ATK+3]
-Spirit种族的属性由[HP+5, ATK+15] 调整为 [HP+7, ATK+3]
-Optimized networking code a lot more.
-Mysterious Potion now heals for 10 HP, 10 Mana, or just throws a poison vial.
-神秘药剂现在回复 10 HP或者回复 10 魔法或者丢出一个毒瓶
-Big Mysterious Potion now heals for 15 HP, 15 Mana, or just throws a poison vial.
-大神秘药剂现在回复 15 HP或者回复 15 魔法或者丢出一个毒瓶
-Laser Crossbow no longer only deals 1 damage.
-激光弓不再仅造成 1 点伤害
-Wooden Club now gives 18 ATK.
-木棒现在增加 18 攻击力
-Fairies now have 90 hp, 4 atk, and move faster.
-Fairies(似乎是冰原的蜜蜂)现在拥有 90 生命值,4 攻击力并且移动更快
-Throwing Axe now deals half damage.
-Flame of Hope now only gives you 1 point to a random stat upon levelling up.
-Flame of Hope(原来升级全属性+1的伙伴)现在升级的时候随机+1点属性