http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3835W: You, my only one, the dearest whom I have, you who are to me prince and world, everything together, have mercy on me.
L: Continue to love me, even as I am cordiallt devoted to you.
W: A thousand kisses from
Richard Wagner 1853
W: I now ask you, who at the bottom of his heart share my faith more than do you, who believe in me, who know and demonstrate love as no one else has proved and praoticed it yet?... Well, my higest hope will be fulfilled: I shall see you again.
W: How can I describe my feeling? When has an artist, a friend, ever done for another what you have done for me? Truly, when I should be inclined to despair of the whole world, on single glance at you raises me again high and higher, fills me with faith and hope; I can't conceive what I should have done without you have made of me; it has been indescribly beautiful for me to observe you during that space of time...
W: 【My brain is a wilderness and I thirst for a long, long sleep, to awake only when my arms are around you.】 ...best and dearest of friends, have my eternal thanks for your divine friendship, and be assured of my steadfast and warmest love.
L: Be happy in the Grisons, you godlike man. When you work at the 'Nibelungen', let me be with you, and keep you have received me -- in truth and love.
W: However, in this matter also you must do as you like. Before all, take care that you continue to love me, and we see each other soon.
L: Send me soon what I ask you... I'm always and wholly yours.
L: You know that my whole soul is devoted to you, because I love you sincerely, and that I always try to serve you as well as I can...
W: Remember me to all at Altenburg; and if you can, continue to love me... if you can, love me with all your heart. Will you not?... Farewell for today. I send you many greetings from a longing heart.
啊will you not?这个反问句式真是让人欲罢不能啊!
W: I think of nothing now but our meeting and being together.
L: How can I write to you, dear poet, without telling you of the kind wishes which I and the Child(指Marie小公主) entertain you and the desire we both of us have of seeing you again in the course of 1856? I can assure you that if fate were to send me a messenger with the assurance of this, I should consider it the best NewYear's gift, although there are many things which I demand of it.
W: While I am compising and scoring I think only of YOU, how this and the other will please you, I am ALWAYS dealing with you.(大写的重点是原文自带的,中译本就没有这些细节)
L: 【It is a sad fate that we have to live apart from each other. I can tell you nothing but that I think of you constantly and love you from my heart of hearts.】
from my heart of hearts意为从心底深处,但是语气太重外国人很少用,一般都说from the bottom of my heart.
W: If I could live together with you I might do many fine things yet.
W: Farewell, my dearest, my only friend. For heaven's sake, do not be so chary of your communications. ...But, dearest Franz, a little confidential talk is not be despised.
L: I hope you will come to me next winter, and am preparing your roons at Altenburg. Speak to no one about it. ...It is true I am happy, as happy as a child of this earth can be. I may confess this to you, because you know the infinite self-sacrifice and invincible love which have supported my whole existence for the last eight years.
W: 【If I could live with you in beautiful retirement, or, which would be the same thing, if we could live here for each other instead of frittery our beings away with so many insipid and indifferent people, how happy I should be... But I am talking wildly, correct me if I deserve it...】
L: Unfortunately I am no longe near you, and must be content to celebrate the New Year with you by letter. You could not meet with better luck that I wish you from the bottom of my heart. 【The hope of serving you and, perhaps, of living together with you soon for sometomes, keeps me active and cheerful...】OMG
W: I want to consecrate my pen for the NewYear, and can't do so better than by a greeting to you, my dear Franz. Above all other wishes is my wish of seeing you and enjoying you to my heart's content.…If I were to try to imagine the greaest delight that could be rochsafed to me, it would be to see you suddenly in my room.
L: The essential thing is that you love me, and consider my honest efforts as a musician worthy of your sympathy. This you have said me in a manner in which no one else could say it.