I look away from that tree, which is no longer a baby tree and is much closer to being fully grown. I keep my eyes on the sun rise that has become brighter and more prominent. And even so, I can’t put that memory in the back of my mind. And even so, I can’t help but think about how things fell apart so quickly, not too long after that beautiful and meaningful day together. And even so, I can’t help but wonder how I’ve gotten here, now, after not that much time. 我的视线从那棵已经不是一棵小树苗的橄榄树上移开,实际上它已经接近成熟了。我注视着缓缓升起的太阳,越来越高,越来越刺眼,然而即使是这样,我仍不能把这份记忆抛之脑后,我忍不住一遍又一遍的思考事情是怎么在丽这样一个美好和充满意义的一天之后迅速土崩瓦解。 即使是这样,我也在一遍又一遍的思考,在这么短的时间,我是怎样走到现在这一步的。
I hear the soft ding of my phone, snapping me back to reality. My eyes blink rapidly before glancing down to the middle of my lap where my phone sits. I move my mug to one hand and grab my phone with my right hand, looking at the message on my screen. 我听到手机轻轻地叮了一声,把我拉回了现实。我迅速地眨了眨眼睛,看了一眼躺在我的膝盖中间的手机。我左手拿过马克杯,腾出右手去拿手机。 您有一条未读消息。
“Good morning, darling. I hope you slept well! Are we still good for dinner this evening at 6:30 PM?” “Good morning, darling. I hope you sleep well!我们还是在今晚6:30一起吃晚饭吧?”
“Morning! Of course I’m still good for tonight. I would never cancel on you, Tom,” I send. “Morning! Of course I’m still good for tonight.我是永远不会拒绝你的,Tom.”
Because I can imagine Tom Hiddleston’s face in this very moment as he texted this out to send to me, biting his lip, grinning from ear-to-ear, cheeks burning red. 因为我可以想象到Tom Hiddleston在发这条短信的表情,轻轻地咬着嘴唇,双颊烈火般燃烧着,笑的合不拢嘴。